Husband communicating with his ex-wife

Q: I am very stressed just wanted to know mufti. You the only person I know who can tell me what is right and what is wrong Islamicly. My husband is continuously communicating with his X wife and he hides what they discuss. When I ask, he says we are talking about the children and yet the last born of their kids is almost 25 years of age. So all four kids are big enough to come or call their father and talk to him themselves so why should he still talk to his X yet he told me I am not allowed to communicate with my X and ever since I do not talk to him but he says he needs to speak to his X. It hurts Mufti. I feel like I am nothing. What can I do?

Father in-law not behaving correctly

Q: I had a excellent relationship with my in laws until Monday night. My wife made a request to visit her Granny at her parents place before leaving back to Cape Town. I agreed. We arrived at my inlaws place. I greeted everybody as usual and sat down with my father inlaw and brother inlaw. Azaan called and we all left for Esha. When we returned from Esha I did not go in to the house, I sat outside on the portch. I could overhear father inlaw, my wife, and my brother inlaw discussing his technicon registration, so the discussion went on for and hour or so while I sat outside on my own relaxing. My wife and father inlaw step out of the house, and my wife said she is ready to go, but she and my father inlaw was still saying a few words to each other, while I sat on the couch not saying anything. My father inlaw all of a sudden began to swear at me and shout me, telling me to get out. When i questioned him in a polite manner as to why is behaving in this manner he began to aggressive and wanted to beat me up. I was shocked. I got up jumped in my car and drove off. I was in a state of shock,it was the second time he has done this to me, The first I overlooked it and walked away. The next morning he sends me a text apologising for this, I did not reply as I am very upset as I have always respected this man and treated him like my own father. My question is, my wife shows no remorse for her fathers actions, secondly I need to know that i have decided not to go to my inlaws home anymore as I feel threatened and uneasy, is the permissible, and I will only allow my wife to visit once a week, and not go any where with her parents without my consent. Please reply with advise also.

Pleasing one's father

Q: I would appreciate your insight into a family concern we are having at the moment. My father (a widower) is getting old, he is 78 years of age and currently lives on his own in a house 80 miles from my 2 sisters and 200 miles from me (the only son). Allahamdollilah over the years he has been in good health and is fully autonomous. But a recent event (a minor heart attack) have made us all question what is the right thing to do. Right now as the son, I am with him for at least a month to ensure he gets his full energy back. Beyond that though we have to think about the future and what is the right thing to do. My own current situation is that only within the last 2 years has my job situation become better (since moving to London). I am 33 and live in London (still single) whereas my father lives in Manchester 200 miles away. My sisters (who are settled with families) on numerous occasions have asked him to move to Birmingham (80 miles from where he lives) but he does not want to move there. The question is, I understand that as the son I have a duty of care to my father, but does that have to be at the expense of my own future? My line of work is not common in Manchester (where my father lives) and any jobs that do exist there are not very well paid. I do not have my own property in London so it is not possible for him to move down and also rent prices are high and he would not be willing to live in London anyway. He wants to stay where he is, does that mean as children we have to adapt our lives to accommodate his wishes?


Q: If mother slaps you on the knee and you have jeans on and no heat is felt no lust no desire no erection, does that constitute hurmat-e-musaahara. Been getting waswasa a lot. Please explain. I do not have any kind of lust towards my mother and will never. I am married alhumdulillah for over a month.

Watne-e-suknaa se safar karna

Q: Mera ghar Jaranwaala he aur me Faislabaad me rehta hu jo Jaranwaala se pentees (35) km ke faasle par he or me har jume ghar jata hu. Ab me hafte ko subah Jaranwaala se Faislabaad aaya, do din Faislabaad raha or peer ko Jhang chala gaya jo Faislabaad se pachattar (75) km he, aur ayk din guzaar kar wapas aa gaya, ab kya waapas Faislabaad aa kar me qasar namaaz prhunga ya poori namaaz parhni hogi?

Subscribing to the Medical Protection Society (MPS)

Q: Certain doctors apply for jobs in private hospitals. The requirement for getting the job is that they need to have membership with the Medical Protection society (MPS). If they do not have such a membership, the hospital will not employ them. Monthly payment is made and in return the medical practitioners/doctors receive advice and direction in the medical field. The MPS also pays for legal claims against the practitioner/doctor. Is membership to the MPS permissible or this resembles insurance?

Burning bakhoor in the Musjid

Q: We recently started burning bukhoor in our new local masjid on Fridays before Jummuah. We leart that this is sunnat and was also done in Masjid-e-Nabawi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). However a few old uncles in the masjid say this is a bidah and India custom and has no basis in shariah and have actually thrown the contents out on some occasions leading to disputes. Please provide proof from the Ahaadith or sunnat as to what is the actual ruling regarding the burning of bukoor or mujammar.

Pooling money together to purchase a property in partnership

Q: Mr Company intends buying a property for R10 million. They have R4 million available and want others to invest the remainder of the money with them. Ishaaq, Saleem and Faheem are willing to invest. Ishaaq will invest R3 million, Saleem R2 million and Faheem R1 million. They want to invest in it on a diminishing mushaarakah basis. The profits and losses will be shared according to the capital contribution, and the company is willing to pay all 3 of them off in approximately 5 years.

Assuming that the property yields a rental income of R100 000 a month (R1.2 million a year)

Income distribution

 Mr CMr CIshIshSalSalFahFah
Year 140%R48000030%R36000020%R24000010%R120000
Year 255%R66000025%R30000015%R1800005%R60000
Year 370%R84000020%R24000010%R120000
Year 480%R96000015%R1800005%R60000
Year 5100%R1200000


Purchase of Shares by Mr Company

 Mr CMr CIshIshSalSalFahFah
Year 140%R4 mil30%R3 mil20%R2 mil10%R1 mil
Year 255%R5.5 mil25%R2.5 mil15%R1.5 mil5%R500 000
Year 370%R7 mil20%R2 mil10%R1 mil
Year 480%R8 mil15%R1.5 mil5%R500 000
Year 5100%R10 mil

1) Is the above form of investment permissible?

2) Is it permissible to change the profit sharing ratio to suit the needs of the investors, different from the capital contribution ratio? For example, in the
above scenario, Mr Company contributed 40% and Faheem 10%, but in order to please Faheem, they agree to let him take 15% profit while Mr Company takes 35%?

3) Is it permissible to fix an amount to be paid to a certain investor? For example, every month as a return on his investment, he will receive R20 000?

4) Is it permissible to set a fixed percentage of the investment as a return? For example, he will receive a 10% return on his investment monthly?

5) For the sake of ease in distributing the profits, is it permissible to distribute the profits during the year based on estimated profits that will
be received, and at the end of the year, make the necessary adjustments based on the actual profits that were received? Thus, at the end of the year, the profits will be adjusted for each shareholder in accordance to the actual profits received.