Performing Nafil Salaah and Nazar Salaah in jamaat
Q: Is there additional sawaab for performing nafl and nazr Salaah with Jamaat?
Q: Is there additional sawaab for performing nafl and nazr Salaah with Jamaat?
Q: Is it permissible for a person performing Nazar Salaah to follow a person offering Fardh Salah?
Q: What is the definition of Masjid-e-kabeer?
Q: Does cream fall under the mas’alah of oil with regards to wudhu and ghusal?
Q: If a person standing in the first saff commenced the Salaah with the Imaam. During the Salaah, his wudhu broke and therefore he left to perform wudhu and make bina of his Salaah. After returning, if he stood in the back saff, will he receive the reward of the first saff?
Q: My question is if I could use alcohol based creams etc. for my face. I have bad pimples, achne, etc. Also can we use alcohol based perfumes and will these things break wudhu etc?
Q: A person had enough wealth to perform Hajj but he had spent those. Now he wants to perform Hajj but lacks in enough wealth though he is sahib-e-nisaab. Can zakaat be given to him to perform his compulsory hajj considering it as 'sabeelullah'?
Q: This question is on behalf of my Hindu friend. He says that Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) killed two women Asma binti Marwan and Umm Qirfa. Can you please let me know of the reference of hadith and its reason.
1) I want to ask you, is a woman's vaginal discharge different from her mani in texture and colour?
2) If she saw discharge on her clothes, then how will she make out the difference between vaginal discharge and mani?
س: يمكننا أن نعمل في شركة تتقاسم الإعلانات التي لديها صورة لفتيات؟ ما إذا كان في بلد غير مسلم؟ صور من الإناث غير المسلم؟