
Q: I am a teenager of 20 years old. I have been watching videos of nudity and masturbate at the same time on my handset. This has been happening for a quiet number of years now. It really bothered me and I always pray to Allah and repent to Him anytime I committed such. But still I will go back again and do the same thing even after repentance. Sheikh I don't know what to do now, I almost hate myself now. It has become a part of me. Please assist me with possible solution, Thank you.

Haraam relationship

Q: My question is that I am married for 3 years and I found out my husband was cheating on me for the past 2 years. I do not have kids. Now I have decided to take divorce from him and now he is changed and want to live happy with me but on the other hand someone else wants to marry me and I also want to marry him after taking divorce from my husband. Now I am confused that should I go ahead and move on and marry the other person or should I forgive and live with my husband whom has cheated on me? He was involved with my own sister. This made me think to move on. Please help me out. What should I do? I can't ask anyone in my family about this matter. Please let me know ASAP thank you.

Girl leaving home to get married

Q: A girl liked a guy. The guy's parents contacted girl's parents several times for marriage but girl's parents always refused thinking it as an inappropriate match due to lack of guy's religious commitment and financial stability .The girl left home and did nikah in absence of any of her wali. Now the guy's parents are inviting girl's parents on Walima ceremony. What should girl's parents do? Their daughter disobeyed them and embarrassed them in front of the society. What are the 'sila rehmi' requirements here for parents?

Ambiguous words of talaaq

Q: Will words like

1. "Go leave , what do you think that I am happy with you.. no I am not are here just because of our daughter otherwise I would have left you long ago "

2) "I cannot take it anymore...leave...i can not do it anymore...she is on her own I don't care anymore" And other things like this mentioning that one is suffocated in the relationship want to end it but he's helpless... would these situations mean that divorce is given?

Compiling a directory


1. A person is compiling a directory. Is it permissible for him to include the following places with their addresses and telephone numbers in the directory; escort agencies, liquor stores, churches, temples, casinos etc?

2. If someone asks you to assist him to find the addresses and telephone numbers of the following places; escort agencies, liquor stores, churches, temples, casinos etc, is it permissible for you to assist him in this regard?