Married in community of property
Q: I am married in community of property and not anti nuptial contract. Kindly let me know what I should do to correct this according to Islamic way and will.
Q: I am married in community of property and not anti nuptial contract. Kindly let me know what I should do to correct this according to Islamic way and will.
Q: I am pregnant. I Am happy Alhamdulillaah but also I feel very low at times. Maybe because of my rising hormones. My husband is really caring, still I expect more from him. Please suggest me how to feel better and positive. I do offer my prayers. I pray too but negativity is surrounding me. I was a very positive person. Please help.
Q: I would like to know what types of fish are permitted to eat? I mean we as Sunni are told that shrimps are makrooh? What about Shark fish?
Q: I was wondering about Jannah. In an earlier question, you said that, while people's age will remain the same, their appearances will vary. However, in another question, you said that the people of paradise will be fair in complexion. Based on this, I was wondering, while people's appearance will change, will their complexion remain fair due to it being the height of beauty according to the ulama?
Q: Is share trading (equity, commodity, derivative, currency) permissible in Islam?
Q: Please advise regarding online forex trading. I have read other nodes but answer is still not clear. It is a swop free account - so no interest is charged if trades are kept overnight. I only trade forex and stay clear of individual stocks. When a transaction takes place I am purchasing a contract to exchange the difference between the opening price and the closing price of that contract. Please provide a clear yes or no answer.
Q: Tap water that comes in my house is not clean. So when I perform ghusal, I don't gargle. Instead, after doing ghusal I gargle with clean water. Is my ghusal valid?
Q: What happens when you leave your home (JHB) and you're not in the state of haidh but when you get to PMB you get your haidh and after 7 days you make ghusal in PMB? Will you read full Salaah or qasar Salaah?
Q: During wudhu is it Sunnah to make khilaal of the fingers, beard and toes three times or once? What is the reference for the above from saheeh Hadith?
Q: What talaaq takes place through khula and what is the iddat period of khula, one menstrual cycle or three menstrual cycles?