Marrying a Sikh boy
Q: I love a Sikh boy and I want to marry him. I love him a lot and we are in a very serious relationship and we want to marry. What should we do?
Q: I love a Sikh boy and I want to marry him. I love him a lot and we are in a very serious relationship and we want to marry. What should we do?
Q: Is a woman allowed to talaaq her husband? My husband doesn't care that our marriage has broken down. We haven't spoken for over 6 weeks and are now in separate rooms. Previously we have done counseling. I requested a separation. Now I have had enough. I'd rather live alone with my children then in a dead marriage.
Q: If my wife goes for a faskh, is it permissible to remarry her after, or what would be the process to reconcile after a faskh?
Q: Is it permissible to work in a Software house as a Software Engineer which provides IT services to a Bank?
1. Is taweez (wearing along neck or arm giving by anybody and writing something on it) permissible? If someone believes in it that it can help him and he dies, does it lead to shirk?
2. Can we pray behind a Imam who wears these types of taweez and believes in it?
Q: I want to know, if it is possible, if you can share any hadeeth that prove the wearing of a shawl and if possible Insha Allah what was the Sunnah way of wearing a shawl?
Q: Allah recently guided me to the right path. I was an undutiful Muslim. My question is about impurity. You know that if some impurity touches to your clothes or other things, then you have to wash. When I was not practicing Islam properly, I used to not wash my penis with water after using toilet. Also, I never used to remove semen from my clothes after wet dream. When those impure clothes used to wash with pure clothes in washing machine then obviously those clothes also used to became impure. Now what is the solution to purify all clothes. There are a lot of clothes. When those clothes touch another thing, then they could also cause that thing to become impure. So, as a whole I believe that almost all things in my house have become impure including clothes because I was not conscious about impurity. How to purify my house? My mother will not wash all clothes. I am really worried about this.
Q: Can a man have two wives if he is unable to support them? My husband has another wife. Both he and the other wife are unemployed and not earning any income. I am the only one working. We all live in one house. Being the only one working does not affect me as much as the fact that I have no alone time with my husband. I do not get to have any intimate time with my husband. He only shares that part with her because they are alone and we are not. The only alone time we have is when he says goodbye to me at the gate in the mornings. Please advise what to do. I make dua everyday that he finds a good job so that we can have separate homes. This is such a difficult situation and is taking its toll on me. I desperately want a child but with no alone time I obviously cannot even think about getting pregnant. A friend suggested that I get my own place and they must see to themselves but how do I do that to another person who I know does not have an income? Please help me figure this out?
Q: My friend got a non-Muslim girl pregnant. They broke up and he is wondering if she is allowed to abort the child? He is in 4th year university and she is in 1st year. Her parents dislike Muslims and he has no job.
Q: I am currently studying ACCA. There are 5 members ( parents, 2 sisters and me ) in my family. My 2 sisters will marry in future and they will leave our house. By the grace of Allah, few years ago our residential property converted to commercial property and because of this we can earn a good amount of rental income. My mother is saying that I will have to do job after completing ACCA. But my plan is to spend my life participating in religious activities like tableeg, serving my parents and humanity, praying, doing Hifz e Quran and becoming an Alim from Darul Ilm Birmingham's online Alim course. I don't want to do job because if I do job then I will not be able to devote myself enough for a high rank in Jannah (Jannatul Firdous). Its my wish to attain high level of Jannah. If I don't do the job then my mother will become angry and disheartened. But I don't agree with her because rental income is enough for a good life and there is no need of mine to do job. I think that Allah has granted the property so that I can use my time in a good way. Please advise on this. I am quite depressed.