Questions relating to the sale of a house


1. YYY wanted to sell his house(2003). He gave ZZZ(sister) three payment options viz a. Cash price – once off payment of full amount b. Terms price c. Rental Option

2. ZZZ chose the cash price option and paid a deposit

3. ZZZ then made a few minor payments.

4. ZZZ and her husband came to YYY house(2004), and said that they went to the bank for a loan but because of FICA documentation they were still in the process of finalising the loan. At this point, they asked YYY to consider if he will not let them pay off the balance at the amount the bank was going to charge them. YYY did not give an answer to this. How does this affect the transaction as the negotiation process was now put back on the table?

5. In 2006, YYY advised ZZZ that she hadn’t paid the full price as promised, hence YYY requested a renegotiation of the sale

6. Repeatedly over the course of time, YYY advised ZZZ not to continue depositing the money until the whole situation was settled and a shariah ruling was obtained

7. As the brother, YYY did not want to give his sister notice to vacate the house as he did not want her to be on the street

8. There was no consistency in any payments. Payments were made erratically.

9. ZZZ continued to deposit money into YYY account even when requested not to do so until the sale was clarified.

10. Despite being a cash sale, ZZZ paid the money over 10+ years at the cash price and now wants transfer of the house

Please advise on how YYY should proceed.

Circumcision for new-Muslims

Q: This question is on behalf of a revert brother that is planning to get married. He would like to know what is the ruling on circumcision for a male revert to Islam in the light of Hanafi fiqh as well as Shaafi fiqh? What is the ruling of ghusl after relations with regards to not being circumcised? Would ghusl be valid if he is not circumcised? Any other advise for the brother would be accepted.

Wearing purda part time

Q: I like to know the ruling on a woman wearing niqab on a part time basis. Say for instance when she knows she will be around non mahram men in a work environment. Will she be rewarded for covering up at those times. A friend has told me this is permissable. Please let me know.

Charging for ruqya

Q: I need help as I have been affected by sihr. Alhamdulillah Allah has helped me through some very difficult times in my life. I heard about ruqya and when I searched and found a group of people in SA who does this but they charge money. Is this genuine and are you allowed to charge money? I am very weary of most people as I believe that they use Jinn to trick people into believing their "healing" powers and it is also detrimental to ones Imaan.

Wearing sarees

Q: I would like to know why Muslims can't wear saree? Saree is Indian cloths and most Indian women wear saree. Why can't Muslims wear saree? Whats wrong with saree? I heard from someone even if the saree is fully covered with no skin showing of a woman it is still not allowed. Why? Most people in India are Mulims and wear saree, does this means they are sinning? We wear lots of other jewellery and cloths which are from India and made in india are they also forbidden to use? Why so much racism in Islam?

Wazifa for Hifz

Q: I am trying to do hifz at home without a tutor or institution with translation. I am little irregular. Means leave on for days. Often neglect manzil revision. But Alhamdulillah able to revise pretty easily. Can you please tell me Quranic verse to be regular learner, sharp memory and keeping the Qur'an safe in my heart?