Wet dream and impurity


1. If I see a wet dream and I am wearing a pad, does it make the bed sheet najis if there are no signs of impurity on it? Should I change the bedsheet

2. I keep my scarf for prayer on the same bed. Has it become najis?

3. If I put clean wet or dry clothes on the same bedsheet, will they become impure?

Avoiding places of fithna

Q: There is this particular place where there are meat shops and vegetable/fruit areas. This place is also flocked with men and I can't keep my eyes averted from them on the floor for long. I usually ask my parents not to go there, or at least leave me home, but we usually always go there since that is about the only place we know to buy meat from. What should I do in this situation? I do cover my face and body before stepping out, but my eyes are exposed.

Vaginal discharge

Q: Do girls have to perform wudhu or shower after vaginal discharge? This white colored emission has been happening before puberty. My Umm says she's not sure in this case but it is better to perform wudhu. I do know that we have to do ghusal after periods but the white discharge emits at irregular times regularly--sometimes even when in the middle of the salaah.

Accepting a box of sweets from a non-Muslim

Q: I am in great trouble. My aunt has brought a box of sweets which some non Muslim has given us on the occasion of Diwali (non-Muslim festival). I did no know about it. So I have taken sweets from it and when I took one sweet from it my mind struck that this might have came on the occasion of Diwali and when I asked her, she told me yes this is on the occasion of Diwali. So I got confused how to get rid of it so I made a plan that I will take one bite of it to show other family members that I have eaten it and after spitting all the sweets which I had taken I felt that very little part of it went inside my throat which I was not able to remove. So my question is have I done kufr or shirk. Believe me, I didn't want to eat that sweet but since I have taken that sweet so I was afraid that if I reject this sweet in front of other family members, they start pinching me. I love Allah very much and also want to be free from shirk, bidat and haram things.