Women leaving the home to work

Q: I want to know if my husband gives me permission to work outside is it ok? I wear complete hijab except for face. Also I have to speak to my manager sometimes regarding work who is a male. My office has many female co workers and I am very professional with everyone. I don't joke or smile at men. Is it fine for me to work is such conditions. Also I want to ask the money I earn, my husband wants to manage it. He fullfils all my needs but also gives my money to people in need. If I am not willing is he allowed to do so?

Can the husband use the wife's money to settle his debts

Q: I am suffering from cancer and my treatment requires lots of money. My husband has left his job in order to take care of me and follow all my treatments. He has taken so much loan from his relatives to run his family needs and my treatment. Now he says me that if something happens to him its my duty that I pay the loan giving away my gold which I got from meher and also gift from my mom during marriage. I feel that is the only backup I have for emergency since I also have a baby. But my husband has plans to use my gold to invest or get property rather than simply keep in locker and give zakaat. But I am not willing. Please replay if my husband has the right to do so.

Muslims fighting the Jews before Qiyaamah

Q: I have been disturbed by this particular hadith:

The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (the Boxthorn tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews. (related by al-Bukhari and Muslim).Sahih Muslim, 41:6985, see also Sahih Muslim, 41:6981, Sahih Muslim, 41:6982, Sahih Muslim, 41:6983, Sahih Muslim, 41:6984, Sahih al-Bukhari, 4:56:791,(Sahih al-Bukhari, 4:52:177)

The thing is, I know what israel is doing is wrong but not all  jews are bad tbh, what have scholars said on this hadith?

Toilet splashes

Q: I have a question that might seem self explanatory but theory had been a major fight in the family home concerning whether the spray from the toilet when the lid is open would make someone najis (dirty) if they sat down on it. Can you please clarify this as this has become a big issue with people leaving the toilet lid open and the flush makes a mist in the bathroom thus spreading microscopic particles and small drop everywhere. I appreciate your time.

Wet dream

Q: If l don't remember any wet dream and nor any orgasm and I am not in doubt that it is mani or mazi but find regular vaginal discharge (normal white discharge) on clothes, ghusl is fardh on me?

Appoint someone to issue the talaaq

Q: I have question regarding Divorce in Islam while living in USA. I separated from my wife due to some domestic issues that took place between us 10 months ago. While separated I decided to divorce my wife due to the gravity of issues. As I don’t wanted to utter the word Talaq I hired an attorney to do the job for me in compliance with US Law; we both waited for the legal period of time for talaq to be granted by judge. On day 7/19/2016 judge granted us divorce with the statement of right of Information for us that I am copy pasting for you to read (in Red). “ Within the thirty days following the date the divorce is granted (7/19) the court can vacate the divorce and restore judicial proceedings which will have the effect of reinstating the marriage as though it never happened. If reconciliation is going to occur then both parties would move to dismiss their individual claims (nonsuit their claims) and the divorce proceedings end. Getting that done requires both parties to agree to both parts of that process. If both parties do not agree to ask the court to vacate the divorce then the judge is unlikely to do so without a clear legal reason why the divorce is defective. That's unlikely when both parties agreed to the divorce decree. If your wife agrees to vacate but does not agree to nonsuit her claims then she can still move forward with the divorce on her own even if you do not want it. Or vice versa". Knowing that Islam too gives the 30 days period to reconcile (or Rujou) from date of first divorce, my wife raised a question, thinking that whether those US court procedures are in accordance with our Islamic law. Please provide us an answer under the Islamic law which clear the confusion weather our marriage is valid anymore, as we have reconcile (or Rooju) with in the time frame (30 days) granted by Islam as well as by US law. In civil divorce, there is just 1 final divorce equals to 3. Do you think we can reconcile Islamically or divorce has been done?