Irregular bleeding

Q: If a woman bleeds for 4 days (habit is 7 days) and then experiences bleeding again before the completion of 15 days (but after 10 days has passed),

1. Can this now be regarded as Istihadha?

2. Is there any Qadha salaahs at all that she has to perform?

3. Does she need to now perform Ghusl before reading her salaah as she may not have had a bath after the 10th day?

Avoiding quarrels and disputes

Q: I'm in a partnership with my cousin and I wish to exit the partnership. Is it possible for me to go into the same type of business. We have a verbal agreement that neither of us will do the same trade during or after the partnership. Please clarify whether this agreement complies with Shari'ah.

Women going to male doctors

Q: I have been married for two years and and we are trying for a baby from the beginning onwards but still there is no pregnancy due to which we went to a fertility clinic which was a female doctor. After investigation the doctor had instructed to perform HSG test for my wife, (it's a kind of test that they will insert some instrument into a women's genital and check inside for the blockage) and she also said that there is only one doctor to perform in the whole state but its a male doctor who is very experienced and aged around 75 years. My question is weather it is allowed in Islam to perform these kind of tests with a male doctor?