Ulama' appearing on TV

Q: While I read your ruling on Digital photography, maulana of almost all sects like Deobandi, Barelvi, Gair Muqallid, Shia or Ahle Sunnat Waljamat are getting their speeches and are aired on TV or You Tube etc. Maulana Tariq Jameel and Maulana Saad are the prominent Deobandi maslak Maulanas in this respect. Are they indulging in Haraam? Shall we not watch them?

Not fasting in the month of Ramadhaan due to exams

Q: I am a student in Saudi Arabia studying in a private school in Dammam. Our school recently changed their examination dates. The problem is that Ramadhaan is during these days.

My question is that is it permissible for a student to skip 2 or 3 days of fasting for exams? I might not be able to concentrate on an empty stomach during the exam and while studying for it.