
Q: Yesterday my husband sat on a bench at the airport which had crumbs on it. I am not sure what the source of the crumbs are and I am now concerned that everywhere he sat thereafter like the car as well as the bags which came into contact with the parts of his clothes that touched the bench have now become napaak. I did check his clothes for traces of crumbs but it was hard to determine what was crumbs or just fluff and dirt and also what was the source of it as he was wearing the clothes the entire day and could have gotten the crumbs and dirt from various sources. Please let me know if I am required to wash everything that his clothes came into contact with thrice to make it paak?

Performing the Sunnats of Jumu'ah after zawaal

Q: I stay in Cape Town and most of the musjids are of the Shafi'ee Mazhab. For the Jumuah Salaah, they only perform two rakaats sunnah before the second Azaan and khutbah commences. Since I am of the Hanafi mazhab, I am required to perform four rakaats. Therefore I am not given enough time to complete it and generally I am in the third or fourth rakaat of my Sunnah Salaah when the Azaan or khutbah starts. Kindly advise me of the correct procedures to be followed if what I am currently doing is not acceptable.

Kaffarah for breaking the oath

Q: If someone has as anxiety disorder which is a chemical imbalance in the brain and is on anti depressants however with these tablets he has to take a sedative, is it jaiz to take the sedative from the psychiatrist even though he promised Allah he would not take that tablet because in his young days he abused that same tablet. Now it is a coincidence that the doctor prescribed that same tablet.