Is the Isipingo Beach Musjid a Musjid-e-kabeer?

Q: Isipingo Beach Jaami' Musjid has the following measurements. Please advise if it is a Musjid-ul-Kabir or Musjid-us-Saghir.

1. 369,93 square metres. This includes the Musjid and the Sahen area. It excludes the gallery upstairs and it excludes the wudhu khana which is designated as Musjid area.

2. 295,14 square metres. This is the musjid area only. It excludes the sahen, the gallery upstairs and the wudhu khana designated as musjid area.


Q: Kaashif is the business owner and Kamran is the investor who invested $500 and Usman is the person who refers and brought Kamran to invest in Kashif's business, and in return Kashif gives bonus 20% percent of invested money to Usman which is $50, and it does not affect on Kamran's shares and profit. So my question is that such kind of bonus or commission which is given by Kashif to Usmaan is Halaal?