Q: What are the conditions for aqeeqah?
Q: What are the conditions for aqeeqah?
Q: I am an unmarried young lady. I wish to pursue a marriage with someone, a Muslim man. However he is unable to offer me anything including religion. However his home language is Arabic. Instead he offers me his love and his life.
Q: If a Muslim is robbed and murdered innocently, and dies on the spot, is he a shaheed-e-dunyawi? In our country in this time and age, which situations would be classified as shaheed-e-dunyawi?
Q: Few years before I have uttered some blasphemous words for Allah because of my compulsive waswasah. I was combating with Shaitaan in my mind and whatever Shaitaan puts in my heart I directly says to Shaitaan verbally. So one day my tongue slipped and unintentionally whatever waswasas I had came on my tongue. I have heard that all this is from Shaitaan and I need to reject and ignore these waswasas. My question is were my all past good deeds gone? Because I watched one video of a mufti, he said one who uttered kufriya kalimaat would be gone beyond the pale of Islam.
Q: Is it permissible to get your body massaged including the thighs and the glutes by a male masseur as long as lust is not perceived?
Q: I do not have sufficient money to buy a website theme, so I have decided to get it free instead of paying money. But before I do so, I know that stealing rights of software without permission is haram, so I got a new question. Is it permissible to get the website theme free (without asking for permission) and then make money from it and then pay to the owner the cost of the theme?
Q: In jalsa between two sajdah, can we read dua allahummaghfirlee warhamnee in short?
Q: I have a common issue. I want to get married to a girl but my parents don't want her. I love and respect my family but I really want to marry this girl. She is Muslim of course. What should I do?
Q: My wife died in my arms looking at me smiling without sakaraat. She exhaled one small little breath out, she was not sick,was healthy. I have seen people died that was scary and their throats made horrible noises. My wife had no sound dying, does this mean Allah Ta'ala was happy with her?
Q: I want to ask about istakhara. I will do it according to the Sunnah method. I want to know about my marriage. I want to know about love marriage and is that guy good for my life or not? Can you tell me what sign I will get in the dream? Second if I get a negative answer, can I do istakhara again? If again negative, can I do it again and if third time I get it positive should I marry that person?