Story of Laila bint Ajmaa

Q: My question is, is there any story in the history of Islam about laila bint ajmaa that she swore that if her slave don't divorce his wife then she will be yahoodi or esayi and her wealth will be free for Allah and all her slaves will be free. After this she went to Umme Aaisha and asked her about this. Aaisha (Radiyallahu Anha) replied that do kaffara of yamin and then she went to Ibn Umar and he also reprimanded her that fear Allah and do kaffara of yamin. Is this story valid or saheeh or hassan or daeef?

Husband denying issuing three talaaqs

Q: My husband has divorced me many times in breaks of months in private only in fulll words two times and once ke tujhe talaaq pe talaaq. Third time he said ke jaa tujhe teesri talaq. But he didn't have any knowledge at that time that through uttering in such a way, talaaq happens and he had no intentions also. Now he is denying every talaaq and saying that I just gave once talaq and all muftis here in India are taking his side saying that aadmi ki gawai maani jayenge if I don't have any proof and witness. He is ready to take Quran oath and do Tajdeed-e-nikaah with me. What should I do as I am really confused because some are saying that he is still your husband and some are saying that your talaaq is valid and you take khula from him. What is the real Islamic way if the husband gives talaaq and later denies it by lying? If I go with him, will I be committing zina? Please help me. Is my talaaq valid? What should I do?

Reciting Surah Ikhlaas in the first two rakaats of fardh Salaah


1. Dua I read in tashahud is: Attehhiyyatu, attayibatu, assalavatu, azzakiyyatu Lillahi. Assalamu ala nabiyi va rahmatalluahi va barakatuhu, assalamu aleina va ale ibadillahi ssalihin…. I read it was narrated by Aisha (Radiyallahu Anha) that after the death of our Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) this dua was recited. Could you please tell me how authentic this hadeeth is?

2. Can I be reading this dua instead of assalamu aleyka ayyuhen nabiyu…. If I feel inside of me that I am calling to Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and it gives me waswasa that I am making shirk? Will my salah be valid in shaa Allah? And if I have no waswasa but just like this dua more because it gives me no doubts and there is no direct addressing to Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), is it ok to read it?

3. I like to read Surah ikhlaas in the first two rakahs of fard namaz and in all rakahs of Sunnah namaz. I absolutely love this Surah and I know hadeeth that someone also always read it in all rakahs and nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said that Allah also loves you for loving this surah. Can I continue doing so in shaa Allah? Please explain why you say it is makrooh so I can explain to my friends too?

4. In case your answer is negative in 3, can I be reading in the first rakah - surah fatiha, ihlas and first verse of falaq and in second rakah – surah fatiha and Ihlaas? I know so far - fatiha, ihlas falak, nas and ayat al kursi. But I hope in shaa Allah to read ihlas in all rakahs is not a problem, please kindly answer.

Irregular bleeding

Q: I have a question regarding end of women period. I have doubts if I am doing it right. In October, in the middle of my cycle, lets say during days one week after my period and one or two weeks before my next period I had once yellow-white discharges, only one day and only once as far as I remember. May be I had more times, but I think only that particular day I had them. In November I think I had no discharges and in December I had cold and some infection from dirty hands (because I am checking all the time if I have discharges or not before salah) and discharges related to it. Now, how do I treat end of my period in January? January is finishing but please answer me anyway for me to understand the ruling. So I have a few questions that I kindly ask you to answer me because I usually have doubts whether or not I determine end of my period correctly:

1. If during my normal days I have normal discharges ONLY one day do I consider my period to end as soon as after reddish discharges I see discharge of the same color as the discharge I had that day during my normal days? Or one day of normal discharges isn’t enough and it must be more than one day for applying this ruling? I can explain why I ask it. Usually when my period finishes I have all kind of discharges. First its red, then its dark brown, then its light reddish but not always, then its light yellow (as during normal days sometimes) and then white. And this last white discharge can be for example on day 7 or 8, then with pauza be there on day 9, or in the fajr time of day 8 and then isha time of day 8. Sometimes this white discharge appears and that’s it, I don’t see it anymore. So its really different for me and I have all kind of colors. But the thing that I noticed is that usually these discharges are coming like a package (even though last white discharge can repeat with pauzas) and for a few days after the period I don’t see them anymore. I can, as I said above have some white yellow discharges in the middle of the cycle or close to the period, like two weeks before or a week (it happens differently), sometimes I don’t have them I think (I am not sure anymore). Could you please let me know how to determine end of my period in my situation? I think we have to divide the question in 3 cases: 1. If I have some discharges during normal days (but then does it matter how many days after the period and how many days before the period? Because close to period the discharges seen are usually the preparation of the period to start as I think)?

2. When suddenly one month or two (please answer in both cases, for 1 month and for 2 month) I have no discharges. Will be ruling on how to determine the end of my period different in this case? Like waiting all 10 days for all discharges to finish etc?

3. When one month I had discharges during normal days, then next month I had cold and discharges related to cold and basically couldn’t see if I had normal discharges during that month, what will be the ruling to determine end of my period here?

4. What if all this time I was making mistake on how to determine end of my period and was waiting 10 days for nothing, but not deliberately, do I have to redo salahs I missed during those days? These are real cases for me, please don’t put aside this email or please don’t answer me in general answer, I really require a full knowledge here because I don’t know how to behave everytime my period finishes and if salah can be done as kaza then during Ramadan its become more difficult to understand should I fast or not. Please take as much time as needed for you and reply me when you can, but please reply to all my questions detailed. May Allah reward you in both worlds, ameen.

Forex trading

Q: What about forex trading, is it halaal or haram? Swap free accounts are offered by many forex brokers which they call Islamic forex trading accounts?