Going to the gym
Q: Is it haaram to go to the gym?
Q: Is it haaram to go to the gym?
Q: Is there any Sunnah medicine or substance that Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) encouraged or used to get rid of marks spots blemishes from the face?
Q: In the country where I live, if you are a working person, the government will send you tax every three months without you asking for it. Is this money halaal?
1- Will zakaat be discharged by giving zakat money to adults or children who are begging outside the Haram Sharif?
2- Will zakaat be discharged by giving zakat money to those people who look poor from outer appearance?
Q: Is it permissible for a person who has agoraphobia and often has panic attacks to do tawaaf of the Ka'ba sitting in a wheelchair? Will the tawaaf be valid?
Q: I want to know about impurity that is equal to one Dirham. As I am in Pakistan, so tell me the size of the coin here. I have searched a lot but I didn't understand clearly. So please tell me in simple words. Also, I am very disturbed due to semen. Bad thoughts come untimely and some liquid comes out, so that Dirham concept applies here? Because I pray five times a day, I can't take a bath again and again. Please help me.
Q: If a father in-law hugs and touches his daughter in-law with clothes and kisses her hands prior to her refusal, is the nikkah valid with her husband?
Q: I am interested in becoming an apple software engineer but is it halaal or harm for work there? Is working for a company which sells computers, laptops, phones is halaal or haraam? If I sell a computer to a buyer if that buyer uses it in any bad ways will I get sins?
Q: I am going to marry a certain boy. Kindly check and advise if it is good for me or not.
Q: Can a person in janaabat (sexual impurity) do teeth capping and teeth filing? Will the person become pure (free from sexual impurity)? If ghusal is done after teeth filing and teeth capping, does teeth filing and teeth capping in janabah (sexual impureity) have any affect on purity after ghusal, will the person be pure to read namaz after ghusal. Please help me because thinking all this I am going mad.