Keeping the name Abdullah

Q: I had a quick question on rules of naming a child. I want to name my new born son Aadam Al-Abdullah Ibn Ibrahim Ali. Is this name valid and not against Islamic teaching? Some people say Al- is a problem as it specifies. From my understanding Al-Abdullah means the servant of Allah? Please advise?

Circumcision for women

Q: According to all the four schools of thought is the type of female genital mutilation in which the whole clitoris is cut off which is practiced in many countries allowed in Islam? Since I have heard it can cause a lot of complications and even death due to bleeding.


Q: Please help me. I am in too much waswasa. I always doubt about wet dream. Whenever I wake up after sleep I always doubt that I have some sensation at private area and always thought I have wet dream or not.

1) If I feel some sensation at private area in sleep but not feel aroused or not remember any wet dream but feel wetness ghusl wajib on me?

1.2) In same situation if I don't feel any wetness but after few minutes during istinja I saw white and transparent discharge.

2) Many times I don't remember any thing about dream but I only remember a guy and feel wetness.

3) I always have doubt after every sleep and I perform ritual bath many times. Please reply me I am in overwhelming waswsa sleeping become a nightmare for me.