
Q: We live in the sub Indian continent and we used live in a joint family. After my great grand fathers death my grandfather took care of the family and made wealth with little resource left from by his father.But when his brothers came to age they accused my grandfather of turning their fathers into into his own wealth.My grandfather gave them all the estates industries,shops,land etc which me made from the meager wealth.He also rebuild the few rooms house to 8 stories house so that his 8 brothers could live but his step mother told him to reside somewhere else as he was only child from the first wife.He had 8 brother and 4 sister all from that mother and My grandfather always considered them their own.After the distribution he bought a house in another place to reside there and made a new factory from the wealth acquired after distribution.He made his sons equal own of the factory as they had come to age.The 3 sons maintained the business and my grandfather took retirement.They gave him fixed rent,income or profit as u want to say.My father even told me that they took that amount as a fixed for the business even thou they lived in the joint family and and the family was run through profits of the business.He would just take the Very Important decisions. With Allah (SWT) blessings Our fathers made huge and took the profits and turn it into another factory with the grandfathers permission obviously. This time he said that the ownership would be given to the 3 sons and daughter in laws.My grandfather also had 2 daughters one married in a lavish way with gifts before withe money from the first factory.Another eloped with a man and united with the family after few years.They were later given plots as gifts by my grandfather.Our fathers with profits from the factory they made another house again with the fathers permission and was given the same condition.Both My grandmother and father lived with us in that house until their death. Both of them have share in the Factory and the first house.Now in their lifetime they said that the first house would be give to the daughters fully As the payment for the share in the factory and also because they have share in that.My grandmother expired then my grandfather expired May Allah (SWT) bless their soul. Our father without any disagreement agreed to give the whole property of the first house as few amount of their share and payment for the factory's share. Now I want to know that does this make the property of the sons haram to have and was there anything wrong with the inheritance.


Q: Please may I request your assistance in three questions that I have bases on my scenario? I am a 48 years old revert to Islam. With my initial acceptance of Islam I was overwhelmed with the beauty of this dean of Allah. I accepted it with full heart soul and immediately adopted a life of only Islam and the way of life of our beloved Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) of almighty Allah. At that point, 12 years back, I was a very popular figure in our community, I had a very successful business, and I enjoyed love, respect and support from my family and lived a comfortable life in a fairly large house. I still remember that the only thing missing in my life was a humble, pious and obedient wife. Needless to say that is a very difficult gift to obtain. Since embracing Islam and changing my views on how to do business and how to please my Allah I have lost almost all my family, I don’t have any friends, and because of a partnership dispute I now have no business and live I a small home, but Alhamdulillah I am content with what Allah has given me. I am married with one daughter of 6 years but I am very unhappy in my life. I feel that Allah has put me through so many tests that my Mufti here once told me I am a sabr champion (on alight note). I just can’t find common ground with my wife to build a good relationship with her and I know she is not happy with our nikaah at the moment. I can’t see talaaq as an option as I love my wife and daughter very much and can’t see myself living without them but at the same time we are not happy and fight all the time. I have tried many options and sacrifices but nothing seems to help. My 3 questions are as follows:

1. Is it permissible to ask Allah in dua to take your life as you feel you can’t carry on living in unhappiness and not having the ability to make your spouse happy?

2. Is it permissible to take your own life in fear that you might run out of sabr and lose your Imaan?

3. Is it permissible to go in Jihad not just for the pleasure of Allah but also hoping to lose your life because of your unhappiness?

Drinking coke and pepsi

Q: My question is about consuming coke and pepsi as both of them are not certified by any certifying body like MJC, sanha as they also don't reveal their recipe of the drink which they claim a trade secret. They are right, they have to protect their business. But as Muslims where we remain cautious of consuming halaal food only, is it permissible to drink coke and pepsi?

Investing in a bank


1. My question is, is investing in a commercial bank shares allowed? Halaal or haraam?

2. If someone gets dividends from investment on Banks share, can he/she make Sadqaa of this amount or can spend any charity work?

3. If someone thinks before investment in bank shares if he gets profit or dividend he/she will spend all the money for Sadqaa or any charity work. Is this situation is allowable / legal Islamic point of view?

Removing unwanted hair

Q: Please could you advise with regard to certain pertinent masaail relating to removing unwanted pubic and armpit hair.

1. From which point should one remove one's pubic hair? From the navel or from the pubic hairline?

2. Should one remove the scrotal hair?

3. Should one remove the hair between the scrotum and back passage?

4. Should one remove the hair around the back passage?

5. Also, what is the maximum period that a person can go without removing unwanted hair and is it a sin to go beyond this period?

6. Is it compulsory for a woman to shave the armpits and pubic hair regularly?

7. Can women use hair removing creams or lotions instead of scissors, razors or some other sharp things since they are risky in handling?

8. Is it essential in Islam to shave the hair under the arms?