Salaah related questions

Q: I have a number of confusions about Salaah and will be grateful for clarification.

1. If one recites Surah Fatiha in part but fears a mistake or miss pronunciation and recites it again from the start, will sajdah-e-sahw become waajib? If yes, what portion of Fatiha repetition will invoke it?

2. Sitting in tashahud position, if I am tired and my hands roll beyond the thighs with fingers running over my knees, how bad is this?

3. In summer, I have a habit of folding up my shirt sleeves well above the wrists and trousers well above the ankles and perform my Salah in the same state. I am told that this is forbidden, how bad is it if one folds one's garments up in Salah? If my lower garment reaches my ankles, (men's ankles should be exposed) is tucking trousers up at waste or folding at the bottom, still forbidden? I live in a cold country, We don't get garments made these days, we buy clothes ready made, whatever we get and sometime these are a little oversize, out of difficulty and not arrogance. How can one reconcile?

Age of Hazrat Aaisha (Radiyallahu Anha) at the time of her nikaah

Q: I would like to ask below questions,

1. What was the age of Amma Ayesha (Radiyallahu Anha) when she got married to the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)?

2. What was the age of Amma Ayesha (Radiyallahu Anha) when she did Rukhsti with the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)

3. Is this true that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and Amma Ayesha involved or done humbistari (physically love).

4. Is this true that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and Amma Ayesha took bath together.

Married woman making istikhaara to get married to another man

Q: I'm married for ten years. I was having problems with my husband and during the problems times I was supported by a male colleague who is married as well. I started to have feelings for him and it was vice versa. We did istikara namaaz to know whether we can be together. However he got a positive response in his dreams while when I did for me and my husband on the first day I was my husband with a white shirt and second day I saw a green object. Then I did for me and the person whom I have a feeling for I saw red object on first day on second day I saw a girl dressed in black crying as she was unhappy. Third day I saw red object. Forth day I saw a white car and fifth day I saw a red object. That person did istikhara for me and him and he saw me in white dress in a white room and on some other days he saw black things.

Performing tawaaf on the upper level

Q: If someone, as part of umrah, performs tawaf in the top level mataf (which is made for people with wheelchairs), will the tawaf be valid even if he is healthy and able to perform tawaf on the ground floor? I am asking since a family member is wheelchair bound, and it is easiest if the whole family sticks together and perform umrah together with him rather than splitting up, which would mean that everyone would perform tawaf on the top floor.

Difficulties and problems

Q: Myself my husband we both are very nice people. We are always on the helping side. We are not jealous, very simple and clear hearted people. But recently we got very big loss in our properties and we also give out accurate zakat as mentioned in the Qur'an. So what is the reason we face so many problems?

How to recite those verses of the Quran which have no harkat at the beginning

Q: What is the ruling for reciting those verses of the Qur'an which have no harkat at the very first hurf? E.g verse no.5 of surah al ma'oon. What is the ruling to start reciting this ayat with 'zabar' on alif if we stop at the previous ayat? Likewise we start some ayaats with 'zair' harkat on the first hurf if we don't find any harkat at the first hurf. e.g verse no. 28 of surah al'fajr'.

Mahr amount

Q: I have a question about Mahr. How much Mahr was hazrat Faatima given and how much is that as per today and what is the minimum amount of Mahr?

Wrong thoughts

Q: I had this dream/thought of these two people kissing and I was awake but had my eyes clothes after I had woken up almost, and my heartbeat didn't go fast or anything but sometimes when I cross my legs my private area throbs so am I napaak? Would this be considered as a wet dream? Also I am on my period if I am how can I do ghusul? If I sit on stuff and use things will it become napaak?