Greeting non-Muslims
1. Is it permissible to greet with words: good morning?
2. Is it permissible to greet with words Hello?
3. Is it permissible to greet with words sawubona or molo?
1. Is it permissible to greet with words: good morning?
2. Is it permissible to greet with words Hello?
3. Is it permissible to greet with words sawubona or molo?
1. Can a girl go out with her husband to tourist places provided she is covered in burqa head to toe?
2. Similarly can a married couple go for honeymoon trip to places where they are sure that there will be so much of bepardagi?
3. Can a woman go for shopping with her husband while she is covered in burqa?
4.If one's husband wants his wife to accompany him whenever he go out except to mosque and office will it be permissible for her go with her husband while they both are travelling in their car provided she is fully covered in burqa?
Q: If a wife asks her husband to remove hairs from his legs, chest etc. Is it permissible for a man to do that?
Q: If a person buys a plot, will Zakaat be compulsory on it or not?
1- As in this time robbery is common in our society. Some time robbers snatch costly things on gun point. I want to ask what is Islamic teaching about protecting our goods. Does Islam teaches us to resist in this situation from snatching or protecting his/her life is more important? As if one resists before robbers they may harm that person or even kill him.
2- If during robbery one kills robbers is this allowed or not? Will this person be treated a killer in the sight of Islam or during defence this is allowed?
Q: Is it permissible to use glassware that is chipped e.g. Plate, jug, etc and glassware that is ornamental but chipped?
Q:Can Muslim men tuck their shirts into the pants and wear a belt? Is it permissible in Islam?
Q: I was holding the Qur'an but it accidentally fell on the ground. What should I do?
Q: As per the need of the time of those days, the devaluation of money is going so fast and islaam made the nisaab of zakat in gold and silver. According to this if we make the transactions of mahr in Nikaah in gold, will it be valid shariah or not. In the case of divorce I find a man divorced his wife after 10 year's of the nikah, that time the Mehar was Rs. 1125/= that's also not paid at the time of nikah. With the papers of divorce, he sent the same amount to her after 10 years. So if they made the transaction in gold, the divorced woman would have something to support her for the future.
Q: If Salatul Esha is missed by someone, then how many rakaats of salaah should be offered?