
Q: Could you please tell me if there is any mistake in my knowledge?

1. All kind of women discharges break wudu

2. You can make new wudu for new salah even before the time for this salah starts having all kind of discharges currently (usual, cold, infection, unknown) except if after 10 days of haidh you are still bleeding (in this case wudu to be done after salah time starts)

3. If during normal days you have reddish or brownish discharges (as during haidh) you still can make new wudu even before salah time starts as it is not the continuation of ones haidh.

4. If you have a spot of discharge on your clothes, should it be always washed away or depending on the size you can still make salah in these clothes? Could you please explain the size comparing it to something?

5. Does urine drops have the same ruling as in 4?

6. If any kind of najasa is dry and I touched it, do I become napaak and have to wash my hands or clothes if I touched it by clothes? Example, if someone didn’t wash hands after touching urine, hands dried and then this person touched me, do I have to go and wash what he touched? The same for all kind of najasa (discharges, blood, semen, etc) – should we wash our skin or clothes touching them when they are dry?

Where should a woman look in Salaah

Q: From your book I understood that before and during first takbeer, a woman must look in front of her and only bend her head to look at sajda after takbeer. I look at a wall in my room because it is in front of me, is it correct? Should the head be bent slightly or doesn’t matter the angle? If starting salah looking at sajda place during first takbeer by mistake, does it break salah, require sajda-sawh or nothing of this?


Q: I have a problem. I am punctual with my jamaat and takbeer ula and I am in the first saff 4/5 or 3/5(minimum). I have seen a hakim and he has confirmed the sickness and prescribed a remedy which includes a strict diet and a drink mix which due to living circumstances I have been unable to commence the diet. After passing stool I wash. After washing a few hours later dirt emerges so when I go back I find residue which has come out at a later stage. I also suffer from urine drops. If I am not suffering from the stool problem I go toilet an hour before azaan and at azaan time put a clean tissue make whudu and read in a full state of purity. To give an example yesterday I went to toilet at 11:45, zohar jamaat was at 1:15, so if i went to wash my back passage i would suffer from urine drops, then at 4 i went to the toilet and again passed stool so I had to read my zohar before time expired, hence i was a madhoor. At asr I washed my back put a tissue for the drops and read asr with jamaat at maghrib and esha, I did the same. Now for fajr I could clean myself and neither have urine drops or residue, now the question arises when i go to toilet again what should i do? That is for zohar. Because the stool problem does not occur in every period. But when it does I have to miss jamaat and am I a madhoor for drops or the stool? The stool doesn't occur in every period but the drops do. Another incident, I have relations with my wife, I wake up at 4:30 to make ghusl, jamaat at 5. If I wait till 5:30 the drops may stop. My main concern is regarding my jamaat and can I be madhoor for drops because in certain periods I can attain purity, so what takes preference the jamaat or being completely clean.

Parents forcing the son to divorce his wife

Q: Prophet Ibrahim (Alayhi Salaam) told Ishmaal (Alayhi Salaam) to divorce his wife. Ishmael (Alayhi Salaam) did. My parents demand the same. My wife prays and wears hijab and is from a different country from me. My parents want me to marry women who are more cultural and don't wear hijab, since none of their 4 daughters/my sisters wear hijab. To what level of authority do parents have?