
Q: I have sometimes frequent discharges. Once I found it out that there was nothing on my pad, but with a mirror I saw the discharge exiting the private part. Other time after wudu I took a mirror to check and saw inside white liquid discharge that was about to flow out, meaning had I not check it and made salah immediately after wudu I would make it with discharge out of the private parts. I have some questions here.

1. If I suspect the discharge to be in contact with my pad because it is at the edge of vagina, even if the discharge didn’t have time to fall to the pad – can I consider the pad clean or have to change it for salah?

2. After those episodes above, even if I see my pad clean sometimes I always have doubts if the discharge is at the edge of my vagina or even exited it. Do I have to really walk with a mirror and check it in my situation or what is the ruling here?

3. If I made my wudu and feel some movements in vagina like air or discharge, but not sure, do I have to take a mirror and check or can ignore? I am afraid that my salah will be void. By the way, is air coming from vagina breaking wudu?

4. If I check myself with a mirror and see some discharge is inside but not yet out, but about too. If I make my salah, do I have to check after salah if the discharge is out and I need to redo my salah?

5. As in 4. when I see discharge is about to flow I skip sunnas (except fajr), because I am the only Muslim at home and I don’t want my non-Muslim family to say that I spend a lot of time in toilet and only worshipping Allah. Is it ok in shaa Allah or I am trying to escape Allah’s test?


Q: We would like your advice on the following: My wife had a very difficult birth and after that she had to have a ceaser and a hysterectomy, so we wont be able to have any more kids. This was our first child and she is a girl. A family member suggested that if she breastfeeds her nephew who is a year old (Her brothers first child) then at least our daughter will have company when she is older and she will have an older brother to look up to and she can still keep that relationship after she reaches puberty since he will be her step brother. I have a few concerns regarding that like, what if they want to get married, and we also stay very far away from each other (720km) so it seems a bit senseless doing that. Also our upbringing styles will be different, we will probably have a more Islamic outlook and they will have a more modern outlook.

Masah on socks

Q: Can you please let me know can I wipe (masah) over normal socks? Not leather one's because im in Kuwait here most of the people do this. If it's not permissible, can I perform namaz behind them or should I perform individually? Please give me a clear answer.

Masah of the head

Q: I am asking that not long ago I found out that while doing wudu at the end when you do masah, I used to wash my ears first then wash my hair couple of times and I found out the real order and started doing it like the order you really should. So I'm asking that I'm not sure what's the ruling on that because some people say it's okay if you didn't know but now I'm sending this question to you because I really want to know?