When does the time of Esha finish
Q: Is it impermissible to perform Esha salaah in the early morning before fajr has come in? What time frame exactly does one have to pray esha before it is considered a missed salaah?
Q: Is it impermissible to perform Esha salaah in the early morning before fajr has come in? What time frame exactly does one have to pray esha before it is considered a missed salaah?
Q: My question is that when I'm just going through the streets can I recite the verses of the Quran if I do not have wudhu?
Q: I belonged to a Pension Fund at work however it was disbanded and I moved the monies to a retirement annuity. This money is only available to me at age of 55. I have been told that I need to pay zakaat on it annually. The amount is substantial and I cannot afford to pay this annually. Why do I have to pay zakaat if I am not able to use the funds until 55 years?
Q: As a Muslim can we eat zabiha of Jews?
Q: Can we take a loan to buy a land from a Shariah compliant Islamic bank (barwa bank) here in qataar?
Q: I pick up my neighbour for salaah every day. There are times when he is late and I leave him due to my missing the Takbeer-e-ula, which I do not like to miss. Should I miss the Takbeer-e-ula and rather wait for him?
Q: There was a time few years ago when, due to OCD, I would remain in a napaak state, na'oodhoobillah. One day my father insisted that I should make Wudhu and perform Salah as Shaytaan was playing with me.I did not want to perform Wudhu because I felt that my feet were napaak and therefore if I washed my feet and wore the slippers that my parents use & then walked in the room in which they perform Salah with wet feet, the carpet in that room would become napaak. I however had no choice but to do so.
Q: About buying a house in the UK on interest (sood) mortgage. One mortgage is standard and one is Islamic. In stranded the bank will show you how much interest you will pay and in Islamic the bank will show you how much rent you will pay. But many people and Ulama say that Islamic mortgage is also same as standard mortgage. Because you want to buy house that you don’t want to pay rent to council or to the owner then why should you pay it to Islamic mortgage and one of my friends has spoken to a mortgage adviser about both mortgages and he said that both mortgages are the same, the only difference is in the name.
Q: If a woman in haidh heard a sajdah aayah, does she have to make sajdah when she becomes clean?
Q: Can I perform Salaah if I have a little spray on my nail?