Committing zina

Q: If someone commits zina and then feels bad and wants to offer tauba and istighfaar with this hope that Allah Ta'ala will forgive him, but after tauba should he present himself before law authorities for Islamic punishment i.e sangsaar or not?

Applying nail polish


1. Is applying nail polish during haidh period permissible as we don't have to make wudhu to pray fardh namaz and when we make ghusl we remove it using nail polish remover?

2. Does applying nail polish amount to imitating kuffaar?

3. Can we use other make up items like lipsticks, mascara etc?

4. Are we allowed to dye (water proof dye) our hair other than black when in haidh period?

Obesity and overeating

Q: Please advise on the authenticity of the following:

(1) Narrated by Hadhrat Aaisha (Radiyallahu Anha) that she said: “The first calamity for this nation after the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam's) death is fullness of their stomachs; when their stomachs became full, they became obese and their hearts weakened and their desires became wild.” - Bukhari

(2) Narrated by Anas bin Malik (Radiyallahu Anhu) that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: “It is extravagance that one eats whatever he desires.” - Ibn Majah.

(3) If these are not authenticated, are they correct in their meanings?


Q: I have a problem and it's hard. I really can not handle this feeling anymore. I really try to focus on salaat and dikr. But it is not enough. I have no one to talk to besides Allah Ta'ala. I want to get married and I even tried muslim dating sites. After some emails I met someone he told me that he wants to come home. I told my mother after couple days. He said I could never be his wife but he liked me and he wanted to date me more. I didn't do anything with him so I got scared and broke the contact with him. It was the little hope I had that was destroyed and I feel angry and sad and stupid. My father is in bad health he can't search for me and my brothers also can't because they dont have the time. So I am forced (thats what i feel) to date men only with the intention to get married. But they want other things and I can't do that. Am I weird not wanting sex. They call me old fashioned And they say they dont trust me because I am almost 31. I just can't take this anymore. I don't have someone I can ask for advise. Please give me yours. I don't want anything just some advice because I don't know why I am here and why I feel so much pain. It really kills me inside. I want to end this. I know these days are hard to do things in a halaal way but when halaal is really hard I am afraid I will do haraam.

Mazi coming out when speaking to girls

Q: Whenever I talk to a girl, even if it's a normal conversation, some liquid comes out from my private part in a very very minor amount. What should I do? If this happens I will be talking a bath 24/7 and how could I handle my practical life before marriage? Even if I am talking on the phone I feel seduced without any reason, having just a normal conversation. Please help me, I offer 5 times Salaah and remain in wudhu. I do not watch TV a lot, no movies, songs. One in a day if possible. My life is ruined because of this. Help me.