Husband saying "if I ever enter this house then I divorce"

Q: A person was standing in his in-laws house. Some argument with his sister in-law turned into heated debate and in extreme anger he said that if I ever enter this house then I divorce. He did not mention his wife’s name or even not pointed towards her. She was not even present there. He stopped just on that word and when others asked him what he meant he said he was in anger and do not have any intention of saying that. The things normalized after that and he was again happily sat with them. He left his in laws house after a day. Now question is if he ever enters that house, will there be any divorce while he is saying that he did not have such intentions and word slipped out of his mouth.

Celebrating the Bangaali new year

Q: We live in Dubai. As a cultural practice, every year on Pohela Boishakh (14th April), our women only, from 20 families gather in any of our houses to welcome the new Bengali year. All of them cook different dishes, bring and eat together. Panta Ilish is the main item in the menu. In this get-together they not only do chit-chat but also discuss various religious topics to grow awareness and enhance knowledge. Some sisters bring books of Hadith and read, others listen. This year from some sources e.g. TV program etc, some women came to know that celebration of New Year is not permitted in Islam. As get together was decided already, instead of cancelling the program they changed the date and arranged get together on a later date. In this context, if you could answer us the following: Is the get together / celebration on Bengali New year haram? Should Muslims avoid it completely? What sort of Gunah it is – kabirah or Sagirah? · Instead of celebrating the day on a particular date can we arrange gathering on some other date? · Arranging get-together on Bengali New year at a particular date (14th April) and another day (say 15th April)- will both have the same Gunah?

Doubting the number of sajdahs performed

Q: I was praying and I got doubts about how many sajdahs I did and I was doing first the Tashahhud and I determined that I would do one more sajdah in case and I was reciting "Assalaamu alayka ayyuhannabeyyu.. " and around here or after "wa" I determined that I was going to do sajdah, but I added "wa Rahmatullaah" and then I stopped and proceeded to do sajdah (I did Sajdah-Sahw afterwards). But now I doubt that I did an "addition" that invalidates the salaah.

Wazifa for shifa

Q: I have a daughter six years old. She has got a non cancerous tumour (heamangeoma) by birth on her right cheek. This causes her upper lip look slightly swelled. Doctors have advised that treating it at this stage can cause trouble. I want you to suggest any wazifa for her to help out.

Omitting one's Salaah due to doubts

Q: Today my sister in-law put my nephew's nappy in the bin which is placed in the kitchen. When I went in, I saw the nappy and tea bag in there as well. I decided to throw the bin bag from the bin and as I was lifting it I saw that water was dripping from it. I saw water on the bottom of the bin. Is that water are impure? Should I wash the bin? If we place another bag and while throwing it away water drips on the floor, should we wash it? Because of my family's ignorance about impurity, I have stopped praying because every thing would be impure 100 percent the way they behave. How should I continue praying?


Q: If I attended a function where salaami took place, but I was not aware that this would happen and neither did I stand during the salaami, is there any sin committed on my part? If yes how can this be rectified?