Nasheed programmes

Q: We have a young Molvi here, graduated from a Deobandi Darul Uloom, who is invited around the country to Masjids to perform nasheed programmes. He encourages others to join in and recite loudly with him. To me, it seems all rather like an entertainment package rather than instilling the fear and love of Allah and Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam. The question I ask myself is how much Amal or the desire for Amal comes in to the life of the individual after attending these naat and nasheed programmes, for which we are now seeing such posters that one wonders, what is the difference between these posters and that of pop stars? Would I be correct in assuming that these programmes have no islahi benefit whatsoever? Secondly, is the Masjid to be used to recite nasheeds loudly in chorus and in unison? Thirdly, does such a young man, even though he is a Molvi, not get affected by the attention he is receiving? Surely pride enters his heart or should we believe that his Hazrat's company has purified him of the disease of pride? Please do enlighten us regarding these nasheed and naat programmes initiated by our newly qualified young Deobandi Molvis?


Q: My question is men will have hoor (beautiful women) in Jannah Insha Allah. But what about women, will they have their own husband as they married in earth or they will change the husband, kindly give details about how men and women will have their life partners in Jannah.

Husband and wife watching haraam

Q: My question is that can a husband and wife watch sexual content together if it's the only way they can have sex because one of them got low desire while other one got very strong desire. If he can't get it from his partner he might commit zina. Remember he lives in the country where he can get it in return of money. The big problem is he can't divorce the partner and get married to another because of family problems and his partner is not ready to go to doctors so he is kind of stuck. The only way is sexual content is solving his problem and if he can't do it, can he watch it and masturbate to prevent himself committing gunnah.

Supporting Deen

Q: We hear the following in bayaans: "How will we answer on the day of qiyaamah when Allah Ta'ala will ask us that the deen was coming out of the lives of people and what did you do about it? We will be questioned about this " Is this type of statement or subject found in the hadith?

Shampoos, soaps, antiperspirants which contain impermissible ingredients

Q: As soap undergoes transformation during its preparation so it is permissible to use any kind of soap in the similar way can you tell me other things which undergo transformation and can be used no matter what sources are used for it? Can any kind of shampoos be used even if they are made from non zabiha animals or pork and can we use any kind of antiperspirants.

What should be done after the birth of the child

Q: Me and my wife are expecting our first child. I have doubts regarding fatherhood.

1. Doubt in keeping good Islamic name: For baby boy first choice was Hudh second choice Mika’eel(Angel of Allah) but I read some where that we can't keep name associated with angel's name.

2. What are the immediate responsibilities of the father as soon as the baby (boy/girl) is delivered with respect to giving azaan, namaz and other Islamic rites?