Non-Muslim co-workers listening to music

Q: I work with non-muslims where we sit four in a room. They have a radio and music is played for the entire duration of the day. This off course has a huge affect on my concentration, ability to perform zikr and on my heart as I do not listen to music Alhamdulillah. This at times becomes intolerable but I cannot do anything about it as this will not be understood by anyone. I so desire to find myself in a work environment where it is peaceful and where the praises of Allah Ta'ala can be made in abundance. What is my position and your advice. Please make dua for me for Allah Ta'ala to change my condition. Ameen.

Performing Salaah on a musalla which was purchased with haraam money or through an invalid transaction


1. A musalla is purchased with haraam money. Is any Salaah performed on this musalla valid?

2. A musalla is purchased with halaal money, but the transaction was invalid and the seller still remains the Shari' owner. Is any Salaah performed on
this musalla valid?

3. A musalla is purchased by a person with a largely doubtful income. Is Salaah valid on this persons musalla?

A musalla is purchased by a person with a largely doubtful income. He gives this musalla to Zaid as a gift. Zaid knows the largely doubtful nature of
this persons income.

4. Should Zaid perform Salaah on this musalla?

5. Is the Salaah of Zaid valid on this musalla?

6. Is the Salaah of anyone valid on this musalla?

A Muslim woman gives a musalla as a gift to a Ghair Mahram Muslim man. They have a haraam business relationship and are very friendly with each other. This Ghair Mahram Muslim man then keeps this musalla at home which is used by his wife and children on a daily basis. They have been using this musalla for about two years now.

7. Is it correct to perform Salaah, or do any Ibaadah, on this musalla?

8. Are all the Salaah (approx. 2 years) and Ibaadah performed on this musallah by the Ghair Mahram Muslim man and others, primarily his family,

9. If not, is qadha necessary for these salaah?

10. Is Sajda-Sahw valid on this musalla?

11. If it is necessary to do anything with this musalla, like return it to the woman or give it in charity without the intention of reward, please
advise accordingly.

Doubts regarding impurity

Q: After menses I got discharge and there was blood in it. I went to the washroom and saw it was dry and stuck to my pants I didn't have time to clean
so I left it and decided to clean later on. When I went back the discharge was scraped off and a little was left. It probably got scraped by rubbing from my body and fell off through my pants. I don't know where it fell in the house. If I sweep and wipe the floors will the floors be impure. What do I do?