Sex toys
Q: Using sex toys, is this haram? Can you give any reference about it?
Q: Using sex toys, is this haram? Can you give any reference about it?
Q: What reply should be given to Hindus when they they ask me that idol worshipping is haram, why do Muslims bow down in front of the ka'ba? It is also a stone thing like and idol.
Q: We download the Quran on our cell phones. Do we have to respect our phones like we do for real paper Quran? Like not sitting on it, not touching it without ablution etc and what about the memory card if there is a Quran stored in it? What is the ruling?
Q: Please advise ways to compensate for the short comings regarding Huquqal Ibaad in case of those who have passed away and their forgiveness cannot be sought.
Q: A person has the name Abdul Mutallib. Is this permissible? Should it be changed?
Q: Is keeping the came Munaaf permissible? If someone has this name, is it compulsory to change it?
Q: Two people are praying, with the muqtadi praying to the right of the imam. A third person then joins and pulls the muqtadi back to stand with him in a row behind the imam. When the muqtadi is pulled back, he ends up taking more than three steps due to the surprise factor (he takes about four small steps). Will this break his salaah?
Q: I'm very despondent. My husband is from UK and now he is moving back there. He is leaving on Monday and will only return when he is coming back to take us there. There will be a separation of about three to six months until he gets our paperwork done. I have four kids and will be responsible for them in this time. I'm very worried as to how I will manage on my own. I'm also worried about temptation concerning my husband because he is easily tempted. I'm prepared to wait for him because on a previous email to you, you told me that I will be rewarded by Allah Ta'ala for waiting for him and guarding my chastity. Alhamdullilah I pray my five times salaah and read my quran, do my fardh, sunnah and nafl acts also. I'm just worried about my husband though. Please can you tell me what I can read daily for sabr and hidayah to manage the responsibility and to keep my husband away from temptation. And also for my depression and stress.
Q: Can I read the following Kitaabs?
(1) "As-Suyuti's Medicine of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)." Translated by Dr Cyril Elgood.
(2) "Medicine of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)." By Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya. Translated by Penelope Johnstone.
(3) "Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)." By Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim Al Jauziyyah. Published by Darussalam Publications.
In (1) and (2) the translators are non-Muslims, and in (3) 'Darussalam Publications' are known to be openly Salafi and have been accused of tampering with many kitaabs, even Riyad as-Salihin.
(4) In general, can we read Deeni kitaabs, like those above, translated by non-Muslims?
(5) Similarly, the same with deviant publishers like Darussalam Publications.
Q: What is the solution to long terms and conditions? I need to make a PayPal account but before I can register it says something like "I confirm I have read, consent and agree to the User Agreement and Privacy Policy" but these I read contain 36,000 something words! It is a waste of time and I want to know if I am allowed to just tick "Yes", because I don't want to lie, but I need to use the service, please give me your advice. Is being ambiguous ok? Like, if I find a program that "reads" the terms and conditions, for example if I click "Read" and the program "reads it" so technically I could say ambiguously "I have read ... " and so on.