Wife committing zina

Q: I can't seem to get over my wife's infidelity. This happened a year and few months ago. I can't stop thinking about it and I feel so hurt. My heart can't bare it. What can I do to get over this. I'm still with her and she is repenting for her sins. Is there a dua that will help me.

Touching one's mother in-law with lust

Q: An accident occurred in bus journey some years ago, that is: my mother in law's seat was beside my seat. She was feeling ill because of some illness but I was feeling lust/desire but not highly exited. Then I probably touch her (not her private part). But I was mentally addicted by shaitan’s waswasa. She didn't know this was my situation. I had no idea before about marriage, mahrams and hurmat-e-mushara. After I came to know about hurtmat-e-musaahara, I repented and made Towba to Allah Ta'ala. Now I am very alert about shaitan’s waswasa. But mentally I am worried about that accident. Now my wife would be lawful? I have one daughter. Please clearly advise me.

Respecting one's mother

Q: My mother gets angry easily and I try to respect her however from a young age she has hit me even though I try my best not to irritate her, being in my teenage years it is difficult, could you please advise me on what to do in these situations.

Travelling without a mahram

Q: Please can you advise if the following question posed and answered is correct? Especially the point mentioned that it is haraam for females to spend a night without a Mahram even if the journey is less than 78km.

Question; Is it permissible for a woman to travel for more than 78km without a mahram?

Answer; Aishah (R.A) reports that had Nabi (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasalam) witnessed the condition of women today (period just after the demise of Nabi Sallalahu Alayhi Wasaalm) he would certainly have prohibited them from the Masaajid, as the women of Bani Israeel were prohibited. (Bukhari). When the above Hadith prohibits women going to Musjid because of fitnah, there will be no absolute not leeway for women travelling without a Mahram. It is Haraam for females to spend the night without a Mahram even if the journey is less then 78km.

And Allah knows best.

Also can you please give the shariah ruling on a group of females going on a weekend trip within 78km?

Selling a car that has been financed by the bank

Q: I bought a car in India by bank finance 8 month ago. Now I realised that it is haram and I have no money to pay off the loan at once and now I want to sell the car but the bank does not allow me to sell the car (because the owner is still the bank) until I pay off the loan. But (secretly) if I sell the car under the condition that when I pay off the loan I will transfer the registration to the customer in writing and now the customer has to give the instalments monthly to me for the next 6 years 4 month (but the bank take it automatically from my account from my salary because the bank does not know him). Then will I be relieved from interest (because the car is in my name and I am still involved in it).