Social media

Q: It has become extremely common for the English translation of a hadith to be forwarded via social media i.e without the original Arabic text. Many people consider this a form of Da'wah.

1) Is it correct to create or forward such messages?

2) Will the respect of Hadeeth be lost if many such messages circulate without the recipients requesting to receive it?

3) Is it advisable for a layman to read a translation of a hadith without getting a full explanation directly from an alim?

Breastfeeding one's step son

Q: I have a question about my step son. What does Islam say about breastfeeding a step son (he is my husband's son, his mother has left this child in our custody). If I am not wrong, every child has a right to be breastfed according to Islam. So as a stepmother is it permissible for me to breastfeed him? Is it sawab or gunaah?

Mosquito catchers

Q: Is it permissible to use mosquito catchers that work thus:

"The electronic mosquito catcher is fitted with a radiant high bright blue light that emits UV "A" light spectrum rays. The mosquito would see the blue light and be drawn to it as it is mistaken for "natural moon light". The flying insects are drawn to the top part of the mosquito catcher. Once they come into close proximity of the light, they are sucked into the unit by a suction fan. The fan sucks the mosquitoes, flies and other small flying bugs and insects into the bottom of the unit. The fan’s suction prevents the mosquitoes and other flying insects, caught in the mosquito catcher, from escaping. The insects therefore simply dry out and perish. Our product works best when the unit is placed at a higher position that what your bed would be. Thus, when sleeping, the mosquito would be attracted by your body temperature, carbon monoxide and body odours, but as it comes to the height of your bed and in close proximity of the mosquito catcher, the mosquito would be sucked into the unit. The unit cleans very easily. Once you feel the unit is full enough to your liking, simply remove the bottom cover from the unit and empty the mosquito catcher’s content in a waste basket. The mosquito catcher is highly versatile due to the fact that it can work off of 220V, 110V or directly off of a 12V battery. Tip: When using a battery, it is best to use a car battery as it will last longer than 10 days continuously.

Wife taking a qasam that she will leave the house after two months

Q: My question is that because of some compulsion if we have to break our kasam so what do we have to do. On house changing issue I took a kasam that after two months I will leave this house. I took a kasam on Allah Ta'ala and the Quran but now my husband says, if you go then you cannot come back here and he will break this relation. Now tell me what can I do?

Ma'zoor changing his clothes before each Salaah

Q: I am suffering from incontinence of urine. I know I am a mazoor and have to make wudhu, but I am finding it very difficult to wash the private part and to wash or change clothes for every prayer. It is getting very hard for me to pray. Please find an easy way for me to pray namaz and quran. I am very much afraid of not praying. I don't want to spoil my aakhirat. I want to be close to Allah Ta'ala. Please guide me according to Islam.