Wazifa for good marks

Q: I am a student about to graduate high school and for the past few years I've worked very hard to achieve good marks and everything was going good until this year. I don't know what's happened because now all my marks are dropping and I always feel tired and sleepy and my concentration isn't as good as it was just last year. Also, whenever I try to get back to my normal routine I always end up doing the opposite. I still want good marks but is there any wazifa or anything that would help me get back my concentration, sharpen my mind and successfully get good marks for school? Thanks.

Trying one's best to return stolen items to the rightful owner

Q: A few years ago, I stole items from a persons car whilst we were on holiday at a certain resort for the fun of it. I am currently trying to right all my wrongs so my question is, what should I do with this item which I have stolen as it does hold some value of say approximately R500 and it is impossible to track who the owner of it is and return it to them.

Marital problem

Q: I'm really struggling. I need some answers. I got married when I was 18 and I am 24 now. My husband is from Pakistan. I'm from England and we have never had a sexual relationship and even though I'm married I'm still a virgin. I don't talk to my husband and he doesn't talk to me. Is my marriage nullified?