Amaanat funds

Q: Amanat funds held in ones possession may not be mixed with one's personal funds. Is it permissible to mix amanat funds with other amanat funds that are held eg. using one account for all amanat funds held?

Self defence

Q: I was wondering what the shariah law says in terms of what we are supposed to do in terms of a self defence situation. Can you please explain what I am allowed to do to defend my self and what I am not?

Consulting one's parents with regards to nikaah

Q: My family want me to get married and there is a guy that I want to get married to and he wants to marry me. However , I am Indian and he is Bengali and I know in Islam parents are not allowed to say no based on culture. He told his family about me and his mum didn't accept because she is afraid we would not work out. I prayed Salaatul Istikharah and I was wondering if I should tell my family about him. Or by his mum saying no to me is that my answer and just move on?