Working in the financial division of banks, etc.


1. Is it permissible to work as a financial manager or internal auditor at a conventional bank (like Absa, FNB, Standard Bank) or in the financial services division of a company whose main income is not derived from their banking division?

2. Is it permissible to work at investment banks like Rand Merchant Bank, Sanlam, Allan Gray, Investec, Old Mutual, etc.?

3. Is it permissible to work at insurance companies like Discovery, Outsurance, etc.?

Marital problems

Q: I have been married for 13 years and have five kids. When we have an argument or misunderstanding, my husband upon getting cross would say swear me and call me harsh ugly names and when I say i'm going to leave him then he says where am I going to stay? Then I would say he must move so that kids lives would not be disrupted. (We stay in an out building by his parents. Both of us are responsible for the building of this house) then he tells me iI must move because this is his house. Then he would swear me out again and again. When I said I would take the kids with me as I am always here for my kids. Then he threatens me by saying he would kill me. A week later he plays amnesia and says he is so wrong. But after a few days then he doesn't think he is wrong anymore. I have been for a fasakh but because the Maulanas knows him, they don't want to phone him. This is recurring situations and I always get sworn at. I am so tired of this behaviour. Now when I say I am tired of this and I want to leave then he wants to ban me from teaching (Quraan) or having a phone or even driving. Please help me as I am tired of his lies. Everytime he wants to make up he says I have no grounds for fasakh. Please help. Also I would like to add that teaching hifth is my passion and I would not like to leave it. Since I have been teaching, my daughter who is in my class is finishing in a weeks time Inshallah.

Looking at the next Musallee to determine how many rakaats one missed

Q: A person arrives late to the masjid and misses a number of rakats with the imam. When the imam says salam, he thus has a number of extra rakaat to make up. But he doesn't remember how many. In order to find out, may he pray slowly and see how many extra rakaats the people around him do, since they joined the prayer at the same time as him?

Changing one's religion for marriage purposes

Q: I want to marry a girl from a non-muslim (qadiani) family. She has accepted Islam and my parents agreed with me. The problem is that her parents who are still qadiani want me to become temporarily qadiani for marriage purpose, to save their reputation in the community. They promised that after marriage we can go back to Islam and they will have no problem with that. My question: Is it allowed to become temporarily a qadiani only for marriage (only on papers)? I tried everything to get another solution but without any success. The girl doesn't want to leave her parents in such a way and hurt them. I also consider the consequences of my decision, if I let her fall she could return to kuffar and marry a qadiani as her parents wish. If I marry her, I could bring a kafira to Islam. Please answer my question in the light of Islam.