Selling novels

Q: We have a bookshop selling Urdu and international novels. As you know there is romance in every novel. I want to know whether it is permissible to sell novels or not in Islam. Kindly reply in accordance with Qur'an and Ahaadith or some early scholars.

Wali in nikaah

Q: I just wanted to know if you have no wali can you do nikaah? I have nobody but I want to do nikaah. His parents are not agreeing. Also we are both adults and want to get married can you help please?

The process of khula

Q: My sister is married for 18 months. Her husband is unable to fulfil her basic needs. So far she has given him sufficient time to do so but he is unable. Finally she came to us and we also tried through all sources to compromise but all results are negative. Finally she wants to use her right of khula' with her husband. What is the process? She is separated from him since more than one year.

Marrying a Hindu

Q: I loved a girl since one year and she also loves me but the problem is that she is of Hindu religion and I want to make nikaah to her. Can I do so without the interference of her parents?