Leaving dirty dishes open at night
Q: Is it OK to leave dirty dishes in the open at night? Also the bread that comes in its own bag left out at night?
Q: Is it OK to leave dirty dishes in the open at night? Also the bread that comes in its own bag left out at night?
Q: If on an English toilet at home the seat is wet, can I sit on it or do I assume that it is napaak water and have to clean it?
Q: I am currently studying BDS 3rd year in a private college and now I had interest to study Deen but my parent's are against it they want me to study BDS. While studying BDS I can't follow Deen because my university doesn't permit me to have a beard and to raise the lower garments above the ankle and many other issues. So please kindly help me by suggesting a right path. I am very shy to ask this question to my local Imam. Please help me as soon as possible as I am totally helpless waiting for your reply.
Q: Does a lump sum of a pension payable to the children of a deceased form part of the estate? I have tried finding answers and keep getting conflicting answers. The reasoning for not forming part of estate is that it is not owned by the deceased as it is given to the beneficiaries upon the death of deceased. While the deceased lives he/she receives the pension on a monthly basis. The deceased himself cannot collect the lump sum as it is only payable to the beneficiaries. When looking on the web for answers most Islamic scholars state it as not being part of estate. Even in South African law Section 37c of pension fund states it as not being part of estate. I am confused and need guidance.
Q: My father recently passed away (may Allah Ta'ala be pleased with him and grant him janah, insha Allah) and I have been appointed as the executor of his estate. He is to recieve a lump sum payment from pension fund for 2 years pension which is payable to me and my twin sister. We are adopted so he has made wasiyah for 1/3 for the two of us of his estate. There is funds still to come from investments. He was very sick so he gifted his household goods to us before he died. As far as his pension goes it is a small amount, does it form part of estate to be divided. He has 5 brothers and 3 sisters which I have to divide the remainding 2/3 of estate. Shukraan.
Q: Can you pray behind an Imam or someone who leads you in Prayer who is involved in Fetish or great Shirk like fortune telling or claiming to know the unseen?
Q: How does a widow refer to her late husband after the iddat period is over because she is no longer in his nikah? Can she still refer to him as her huband? When she is doing isale-sawab can she ask Allah Ta'ala to pass the sawab on to her "husband", or does she have to mention him by name, or refer to him as her children's father?
Q: Is it permissible to take a photo of a person who holds a screen in front of his face, since the face will not be visible? Also, is it permissible to take a picture of a woman in niqaab since her face will not be visible?
Q: First time I am asking you a question so I want to know there is a group named the ISIS. I do really know what that group is about and who they are and what they stand for are Muslims? What is you opinion what are they doing wrong? Please shed some light on this please brother I am writing this from Trinidad and Tobago.
Q: I am working in an airport in the cargo handling department. My job is to fill out the documentation, count the number of pieces, make the carts ready for flight, store the cargo in the warehouse racks, etc. Sometimes, the cargo is alcohol or cigarettes, but it is less than 5% of all cargo we handle. Is it permissible for me to work in this job?