Finding money on the pathway

Q: Few years back when I was going home from office at night I found Rs.100 on the road. I was not so much aware of the Islamic path at that time and I spent the money on myself. But now I feel its a big sin and its hurting me and making me feel guilty. Please guide me what should I do now. May Almighty Allah bless us.

Science and the theory of evolution

Q: I am a student and I just need to enquire about some things. I don't believe in evolution, but there is a lot of science and fossils like Mrs Ples and the Taung child as well as the Stone Age and Bronze Age and also all the tools and weapons that the apparent "early humans" used. I know we do not come from monkeys but all this science? Also , where were the Prophets during this supposed time of the Bronze and Stone Age? In what era according to the Gregorian calendar did the Prophets live?

Feeling that one is a Munaafiq

Q: I am not a true Muslim. I try to pray 5 time a day but most of the time I don't pray esha salaah. I read many Islamic books and sometimes I tell the people many good things about Islam but then I think that I am munafiq. I am not following Islam properly then why should I teach the people? Am I right or I am a munafiq?

Using a respirator

Q: A person in hospital is on a respirator and the Doctors advise the family to have the respirator removed.

  1. Does the Shariah permit the use of a respirator?
  2. If it is correct to use a respirator, can the doctors/family decide when to remove the respirator?
  3. If again it is permissible, after what period of time should the doctors/family make the decision?
  4. Is it best to make Istikarah?

Yaseen Khatam

Q: Please can you advise if there is a Hadith in the reading of a Yassen Khatem for a sick person? A person is seriously ill in intensive care and a suggestion is made to read Yaseen Khatem for shifa. Is this according to the Shariah? What number constitutes a Khatem?