Published 10 years ago
Last updated 4 years ago
- Is it permissible to send seasonal greeting cards to non-Muslims at the time of Christmas so long as there are no religious symbols on them and without the intention of celebrating or supporting Christmas?
- Can the following from al-ashbaah be used as a justification for sending seasonal greeting cards at Christmas time?
In al-ashbaah it states that if a person says regarding a non Muslim: "May Allah let his kingdom last for a long time" and his intention is that he may be given hidayat in future, or that the Muslims could benefit through his contributions of jizyah etc, then this is permitted.
- Muslims should strictly avoid this. Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said من تشبه بقوم فهو منهم (the one who emulates a people will be counted from amongst them (in the sight of Allah Ta’aala)). Hence, it is not right at all for a Muslim to share in the happiness of non Muslims by sending them cards or wishing them at the time of their religious festivals. Refer to
- This quotation does not prove in any way the permissibility of wishing kuffar on their religious festivals.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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