Giving charity
Q: I give money in charity but should I give money to homeless people on the street?
Q: I give money in charity but should I give money to homeless people on the street?
Q: What is the most preferable sunnah regarding keeping hair for males as we know that Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam's) hair was long except one 4 or 5 occasions?
Q: Is legal love marriage allowed which means without looking talking exposing one another. I (happen to be a pious unmarried male of 28) got information from a brother of a very reputed pious divorced women of 30 that she wants to marry me and if I do not marry her she will remain unmarried but my family will accept it for many reasons. She also said that if my family will not accept it then I will have to marry her secretly then she will remain in her house and I will remain in my house. And Allah made me too generous that I do not want to hurt anyones feelings so naturally I am also feeling love for her. So what should I do now?
Q: I woke up and there was this whitish liquid that was inside. It hadn't come out but after I urinated got up and everything it hurt and I am quiet constipated but I didn't go to pass stool then or anytime before so should I consider it as wadi? The only time I went for stool was yesterday evening and later yesterday I went to the toilet put pressure but nothing come out.
Q: Is it permissible to drink cough syrup which contains alcohol?
Q: Can we hear Qur'an recitation when lying down?
Q: I have heard that riding 4 wheel motor car is a sunnat. Is it correct?
Q: Can we wear cotton socks inside the leather socks, and will it affect the wudhu when making masah on the leather socks?
Q: I have a question about Umrah. I am scheduled to travel for umrah in early Feb 14 and thinking about going to Madinah first after landing at Jeddah from NY and after staying few days in Madinah, I will travel to Makkah for Umrah. Can I do this or I have to perform umrah first before going to Madinah?