
Q: I am from Kashmir India. Please tell me can we vote to choose our MLA or leader in Kashmir as every one knows we arr fighting for freedom and the political parties here are do not allow Muslim law. Please answer me can we cast our vote as these parties are allowing wine shops and make anti Islamic rules.

Beliefs of the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaa'ah

Q: Would you please answer the following queries?

  1. If someone believes all the aqidas of Ahle sunnath wal jamaah, but he firmly believes that Allah is on his thorn and the printed Qur'an is makhlooq (creation), then what is his condition of Imaan?
  2. If someone believes all the aqidas of Ahle sunnath wal jamah, but he does not believe tassawf/kashf/ilham etc. Then what is his condition of Imaan?