Reciting the Tasbeehaat of Salaah is such a way that one can hear himself

Q: I have a question with regards to method of performing salaah. If one is performing salaah, whether alone or in jamaah, should the person recite his tasbeehat in a manner that the next person can audibly hear what he is reading or should the brother read it softly so that the next brother cannot hear what the brother is reading. 

Ladies following the Taraweeh Salaah with jamaat

Q: We have a small Musallah at our University where five times daily salaat takes place. The Musallah is used by students and residents of the surrounding area. There is also a ladies Musallah. We have received a request from some of the residents of the area to allow ladies to follow the Imam in taraweeh salaah. The committee is unsure on the permissibility of this and would like to seek your advice. Another factor to take into consideration is that the only facility the could be available for ladies is a Wendy house that is situated alongside the males Musallah. (the ladies Musallah is in front of the Imam, hence ladies cannot follow from there). The wendy house is behind the Imam, but there is a gap between the males Musallah and the wendy house. The saffs do not flow from the males musallah into the wendy house. Will it be permissible to perform salaah in the wendy house?

Combining Salaahs

Q: You have mentioned that "One wudhu will suffice for both the namaazes if they are read in the time of Esha" but my question is that what if the the both salaah Maghrib & Esha are combined and prayed in Maghrib time, will the wudhu of Maghrib suffice for Esha salaah? 

Musjid extension

Q: Our Musjid, has gone through an extension on the left side, However there is a separating wall (not completely separated few rows the an entrance, and few rows again) in between the Original Musjid and the extension. The extension is used for itikaf and is part of the Musjid. Usually on Jumma or when the musjid gets full the extension is used. The set up is similar to Musjidun Nabawai alhis salam. where outside the the front row continues, separated by walls:

  1. Is the reward the same when standing in the front row,between the separating walls?
  2. Should the original Musjid be filled 1st, then the extension or vice versa?
  3. Can I stand alone in the extension to get the reward of filling the front rows?