أسماء الأنجاس الغليظة في المذهب الحنفي
س: ما هي قائمة الأجناس الغليظة (يعني أسماؤها) في المذهب الحنفي؟ أنا أعرف أحكامها بالنسبة للصلاة.
س: ما هي قائمة الأجناس الغليظة (يعني أسماؤها) في المذهب الحنفي؟ أنا أعرف أحكامها بالنسبة للصلاة.
Q: Can we give Sadaqatul Fitr to use in the Masjid or can we give it to Imam the Masjid of the Musjid?
Q: My wife is in purdah and she wants to cut her hair in "layers". Is it permissible because I will be the only person seeing it? Will this be regarded as tashabuh bil kuffaar (emulating the kuffaar), because it is not for any fashion reason, rather only for me?
Q: Why is a camphor paste put on the sajdah areas of the mayyit?
Q: When making tayammum with a stone, is it necessary for the stone to be rubbed on the entire palm or is mere striking of the stone with the palm sufficient?
Q: A man died leaving behind a pregnant wife, a son and daughter. How much will each one recieve?
Q: Is there any authentic narration which directly and emphatically mentions that trimming the beard is a punishable sin? How is sin and good determined in Islam? Is it Haraam or Makrooh to trim the beard? Did Nabi (Sallahu Alaihi Wasallam) ever trim His Blessed beard? If not, how is a fist lenght beard is an emphasised Sunnah? Which is more rewarding a trimmed fistful beard or a completely untrimmed natural beard? What is the ruling if one trims before it reaches a fist lenght? On what basis does a person continue to be sinful if he trims his beard before it is a fistful while trimmimg after a fistful is not sinful?
Q: I have a baby girl and we cut her hair. At what age should we stop cutting her hair and grow it long?
Q: Should Yaaseen be read before or after fajr?
Q: Removing hair from the back passage is very difficult, as i cannot see. At times najaasat gets stuck to the hair since it is long in that area. How can I cut it easily?