Performing Salaah on a Bus
Q: Mufti saheb, what's the status of performing salaah on a bus?
Q: Mufti saheb, what's the status of performing salaah on a bus?
Q: We had an affair and had an illegitimate daughter from that affair. After that we got married. Now my daughter is 20 years old. She does not know anything about this and she is going to marry soon. My question is can I be the Wali (guardian) to my daughter? If not who can be the Wali?
Q: I like to know which Surahs to recite for black magic, Jinn, Shaitaan?
Q: We know that one can only use rings made dominantly of gold or silver. Can one use plastic rings? Can one sell imitation rings which are impermissible to others? Would it make a difference if the customers were muslims or nonmuslims?
Q: A fundraiser for a pipeline in gaza was held. People donated different things. After the fund raiser a few paper cups etc. remained. Can this be used towards another Deeni project or given to the poor locally.
Q: Is it permissible for women to remain alone in their homes in order to allow their husbands to go out in the path of Allah (jamaat) or on business trips, etc. Please explain the correct Shar'iee ruling?
Q: Asalaamu Alaykum. I am married for 5 years, for the first three years, I would receive an allowance from my husband. Now for almost two years, he doesn't give me a cent, and always complains that he has many debts to pay. I feel that the debts are his own doing and that I am being cheated off my allowance so that he can pay his debts. It gets so bad sometimes that if I need a little money, I have to borrow from the neighbour as he sternly refuses to give me money for myself. With regards to groceries, he buys the necessary items. But I'm talking about money for my personal use. Is it right for him to do this?
Q: Is there any specific conclusive narrations indicating where Essa (Alayhis Salaam) will descend? Reading some literature its mentioned Essa (Alayhis Salaam) will descend at the Jamia Masjid in Damascus. However recently listening to a bayaan by a certain Scholar, he mentioned that Essa (Alayhis Salaam) will descend at Masjid ul Aqsa.
Q: Is it permissible to stand and urinate?
Q: What is the ruling regarding men growing a beard? Is it necessary or merely a tradition?