The Difference Between Zakaat and Fitrah
Q: What is the difference between zakaat and fitrah? Who has to give fitra?
Q: What is the difference between zakaat and fitrah? Who has to give fitra?
Q: Please advise on whether zakaat is payable on fixed property - house and business immovable property, property held for investment?
Q: If you have a catering business with equipment such as crockery and fabrics in possession, is zakaat payable on it?
Q: Can zakaat be paid before the end of the year when it will be due?
Q: The following is an usool question which I would like clarity in. I told the brothers they could pay zakaat earlier then the time it is due. For example Ramadan is in a week so give it now to benefit the poor. The people said it makes no sense. They said, then why can I not fast a month earlier. Why can I not pray Salaah a day before? Is it true that we can give zakaat earlier because it is to benefit the poor? Can you please help me answer this brother?
Q: My grandfather opened a bank account for me, he used to bank money for me, thus he was in control of my bank account which he opened he used to deposit money every month, pay my zakaat for years but should not tell me is my zakaat paid.
Q: Is zakaat paid on money that has been given to buy a house but the house is not yet on my name?
Q: When calculating zakaat, Will it be valid if I estimate how much money is in my bank instead of getting the actual figures? I have an idea of what is in it.
Q: The deceased (the mother) holds 1/8th share in a fixed property. She is survived by 4 sons and 3 daughters. How should the deceased's 1/8th share be apportioned to each of the 4 sons and 3 daughters?
Q: Please could you advice in the following scenario, what percentage would be the entitlement for each:
Husband passed away: Leaving behind £60,000.00