Keeping Good Opinions About Ulama

Q: I'm a youth and there's just something that's been bugging me for a while: Sometimes when you go out then you hear people saying that nowadays a lot of the Ulama only want to know you if you are wealthy or if you pious i.e. the ordinary person is overlooked ( I know this is not true for every Moulana and there are many Ulama who are not like this). This has happened to quite a few people who I know where a well known Aalim will greet selective people. This kind of attitude puts a young person in a position where they feel a bit despondent. I was just wondering if you could advice me on this.

Salaah For a Woman Who Discharges Continuously

Q: I am a mature female. When I go to the bathroom I see different amount of liquids in my under clothing. The colour is anywhere from yellow to white. How much liquid would not break my wudhu? Also Salaah is difficult because I go to work and I cannot keep making wudhu and changing my clothing due to the liquids for each Salaah. Also while praying I can feel the fluid coming out. Within every two hours this discharge takes place. What do I do about all this? Am i ma'zur?

Doubting the Cleanliness of One's Slippers

Q: My dad has a pair of relatively old brown leather slippers. As I am not an expert, I do not know if any part of the slippers is made from cow or pig leather. Yesterday he used those slippers for wudhu and with wet feet, he walked in a carpeted room for Salaah. I then performed wudhu in a separate pair of slippers and walked in to the same room, with wet feet, to perform Salaah in Jamaat with him. Some wetness that remained on my feet, transferred to my clothes whilst in the sitting position. My dry hands touched the same carpet. Questions are as follows:

Discharge After Bathing Due to Haidh

Q: My menses started on Monday 30 Aug , it stopped on Sat 4 Sep . I made ghusal on Sunday before sehri ended, and commenced fasting and also performing Salaah. This morning (7th) when I went to the toilet I noticed a light discharge and a clot of blood, should I make ghusal again and are these fasts accepted or should I count these as qadha when I start keeping my qadha fast? Please advise as I have this problem on a monthly basis!