Mustahaaza Changing Her Pad Before Each Salaah
Q: Must a mustahaza change her pad before each Salaah?
Q: Must a mustahaza change her pad before each Salaah?
Q: We eat so many things that is made by non-muslims and they don’t have to do fardh ghusal because they do not know paak/napaak, and if they are from Halaal sources then we say they are Halaal, thinking this makes me confused. Please explain as I waste a lot of water due to this doubt.
Q: Recently I went for Haj Alhamdulillah. I had taken my zakaat money with me to distribute to the poor in Makkah and Medinah. I had given the zakaat to the cleaners of the Haram in Makkah & Medinah. Someone told me that the cleaners collect a lot of money from others whilst others informed me that they are poor. I am not sure which category do they fall under. Please let me know if my zakaat will be fulfilled or do I need to re-take out zakaat?
Q: If a believer commits an act of kufr which renders him a murtad thereafter he repents, will that repentance be accepted or not? E.g. Someone spoke bad of Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) so he became a murtad thereafter he repented, will that particular sin of kufr be forgiven or not?
Q: Is it permissible to consume shark meat?
Q: Do the Shias really say that our Qur'an is altered? If so, do they still remain as Muslims?
Q: What is the Shar'iee ruling regarding chipped or broken utensils and glasses? Are we permitted to eat and drink from them? Does barakah not enter the homes in which such utensils are kept?
Q: Is it permissible for a group of ladies in a state of haidh, nifaas or istihaadha to a Jamaat Khaana for teaching and learning?
Q: Is mehndi for ladies a sunnah and these mehndi patterns in vogue are these permissible too?
Q: Can women give the Iqaamat before Salaah ?