Pelting on behalf of an unconscious person
Q: Will the pelting be valid if one had pelted on behalf of an unconscious person?
Q: Will the pelting be valid if one had pelted on behalf of an unconscious person?
Q: Will the pelting be valid if a sick person (who is unable to pelt) appointed someone to pelt on his behalf?
Q: What is the ruling regarding a Haaji who pelts the jamaraat before the prescribed time?
Q: What are the correct times for pelting the jamaraat during the days of pelting?
Q: What is the shar’ee ruling regarding a person who pelted more than the prescribed amount of pebbles? Will damm be waajib?
Q: What is the shar’ee ruling regarding a person who pelted more than half of the prescribed number of pebbles during the days of pelting?
Q: What is the shari'ee status of meelaad and salami as is practised today?
Q: Who are Nakshbandis?
Q: Should one fold his pants in order to expose his ankles at the time of Salaah?
Q: Is it permissible to use the prizes won from a music competition. The host plays a song and prizes are given for knowing the name of the song, artist, etc. No money is paid to enter the competition.