Performing Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarat after shaving the head
Q: Is it waajib for a Haaji to perform the Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarat after shaving the head?
Q: Is it waajib for a Haaji to perform the Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarat after shaving the head?
Q: Is it necessary for a person performing Hajj to follow a specific sequence in pelting the jamaraat, shaving one’s head and performing Qurbaani?
Q: Is it permissible for men to wear gloves in the state of Ihraam? If not will damm become waajib?
Q: Is it necessary for a person to tie his Ihraam before reaching Jeddah if his intention is to first proceed to Madinah Munawwarah?
Q: What is the shar’ee ruling in the case where a person passed the miqaat without tying the ihraam?
Q: A person touched his wife in the state of ihraam with lust. What is the condition of his Hajj?
Q: A person in the state of ihraam indulged in sexual relations. What is the condition of his Hajj? Can you please explain in detail the laws pertaining to a Mufrid, Mutamatti’ and a Qaarin in this situation?
Q: I am part of a class in which schools gather and the students debate on issues of world problems and how to solve them. We each research a world problem and write papers/speeches for the competition. When the schools gather the host school asks for funds to cover costs. At the end of the competition the host school gives awards to the students who performed the best.
Now there are three things I would like to point out in this competition:
The money given to the host is used for food, janitors, and printing costs and as such cannot be waived.
The awards are mostly paper certificates and some trophies but all of which have little to no monetary value.
I recieve a grade on my performance regardless of if I get an award but some students there do not as it is not a class for them but a club.
Will this amount to gambling?
Q: Will the zakaat be fulfilled if it is given under the pretext of a gift or a loan?
Q: Is zakaat fardh upon eighteen and twenty four carat gold?