Marrying a Shia

Q: I am 27 years old, financially independent, interested in a girl and want to get married. My parents disagree because she is a Shia and I am a Sunni. I have tried to convince them a lot, get elders involved but they don't listen. The girl I want to marry perfectly matches the criteria of my parents even the caste but they have reservations over the sect. The main issue is what will the family or people say and we will be a joke that we married you to a Shia girl. They have said it multiple times that socially we can't face people and hence we won't marry you. I am forcing them on it and they said they won't be a part of it but will give duas and stuff but can't be a part of it. I want my parents to be happily involved in it but they want to marry me of to their choice especially my mother. They say parents have a right. Please tell me what to do and what is the Islamic ruling on it.

Marrying one's step brother's daughter

Q: I have a step brother (same father, different mother), one of his daughters have been recently widowed. I myself am divorced recently as well. A few people have raised a question about us getting married since my widowed niece is just half niece.

I am clear on the ruling based on Quran (Chapter 4, Ayat 23) that this not allowed.

Can I please request guidance on this please?

Husband preventing wife from taking care of her old mother

Q: What should I do when my mother is old and she has no one to look after her. My husband does not want me to take care my mother. I am the only child. My father passed away.

I told my husband that she does not have anyone to go to but he ruined her visa application so she cannot stay with me. I am sad to see her in pain but I don't know what to do? If I take her side then my husband blames baseless things in her.

What do I do in such a situation? He's not supporting me in this. He's also not a religious man and he does not pray at all. He does not follow Islam. There no family members that can step in and stop him.