Suspending the talaaq

Q: I issued my wife with a verbal talaaq in my fit of anger and my negligence unfortunately. I know that's gone though. 

I then issued 2 suspended talaq as follows: 

1) If she tells anyone in my family or her family about our marital issues and problems then she will be divorced. 

2) If she drives a vehicle she will be divorced. 

Is it possible for me to revoke these suspended talaaqs? 

Is it possible to revoke these suspended talaaqs before the event takes place? 

Is it possible to revoke these suspended talaaqs after the event takes place? 

On another occasion I told my wife the following: "If you not back by 2pm I will divorce you" but I didn't divorce her. It was a threat. Is this counted as a talaaq?

A: It is not possible for you to revoke these two suspended talaaqs. If the condition is found in the nikaah, then the suspended talaaq will take place. 

However, if you want to stop these two suspended talaaqs from taking place, then one way which is mentioned by the fuqaha is that you give your wife a talaaq-e-baain (irrevocable talaaq), and after her iddat ends, then she carries out these actions upon which the talaaq was suspended. At that time, since the nikaah does not remain, the talaaq will not take place through the condition being found and thus the suspended talaaqs will fall away. 

Thereafter, you should make a new nikaah with her with mutual consent and a new mahr. Later on, if these conditions are found in the nikaah, then no talaaq will take place. However, you will only have one talaaq remaining as you had already issued two talaaqs. 

If you said, "I will divorce you", then the talaaq will not take place until you divorce her.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)