Family problems

Q: I am 14 years old and I am going through a lot of depression in my life. I am very unconfident and find it hard to make friends at school. I have no one to talk to or share my problems with. I used to have my cousin but i feel like i cant trust her as much as before. My dad shows a lot of hatred towards me and I have never known why. I think it is because I am girl because he loves my 11 year old brother a lot. My brother is the completely opposite to me. I have tried to share my problems with him but all he does is makes fun of me and now I regret it. My mum is the only person who I love but I can't share my problems with her because she doesn't understand English and she wont be able to help me. I have these other cousins which hate me and my dad treats them like his own children he distances me away from him but he tries to get closer with them. They always show off with the money they have and all of the things they have. They try to make my life hell they just make my life really stressful. Their mum tries and acts like my mum and says things against my mum so I turn against her and they do the same to my brother. I just want them to stay away from our family so we can lead a better life. They also try and create fights between my mum and her siblings but it never works and thats when they start with me. My dad just listens to them and takes there side and I get into so much trouble for what I haven't even done. I just wish that you can make duaa for me to make friends and make me read my namaaz with my full concentration and my cousins family leave us alone. Thanks for taking time out and reading it and I hope you can reply soon with a duaa to make some friends that I can trust. Please can you help me.

A: Don't ever doubt for a moment that your father does not love you. Perhaps he loves you more than the rest of your siblings, but his concern for you may be greater than his concern for others. Hence, don't make this an obsession. Carry on as normal and be convinced that he has a liking for you.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
