Marital problems

Q: I would like your advice, other than interpretation of dreams, regarding my first wife. It is understandable the shock she had about hearing about my second marriage, but at that point I did not deny it and I accepted it and told her the circumstances and reasons for taking this step. Now she is in constant denial and acceptance. For a while she relaxes and then starts again, suffering herself and making me suffer too. I would like to say that my second wife is in Indonesia. And I have told my first wife many times, that look at the big picture, I am here, with you alive and well, but she sometimes gets relieved, but after a short while, she starts again. It is affecting me very hugely, because I am in a high pressure job. First wife also had gynecological problems. I am taking her for medical help, but that will only work if she believes in herself . I need your advice.

A: If you cannot manage the both because of your job etc. then keep the one that you can manage.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)